Chapter 2 Dark World/Ralsei

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You wake up on the ground. Slowly you start to pull yourself up to your feet, keeping your eyes closed. "Hay, (Y/N) you ok?" you hear Susie's voice ask. "Ya", you mange to say, finely opening your eyes. You notice that Kris is there too, but his skin, hair color, and his outfit had changed, along with Susie's hair and outfit. You look down to see that your outfit has changed. It's now an armor like top with a similer skirt, its a lovely (F/C). Studying your outfit more you see that you are also wearing long maching gloves and tall boots. Your armor is shiny enough to see your reflection, you see that your skin was now a (A/F/C) (a favorite color), your normally (H/L) (H/C) hair, was now (A/F/C), your (E/C) stayed the same though. "How the fuc-" you start but Susie interrupts "WELCOME TO THE DARK WORLD!"  Your jaw almost drops open out of shock. "Y-you weren't l-lying?!" you barley mange to get out, "MY FUCKING GOD YOU WEREN'T LYING! MY GOD! wow." You just stare at both of them in amazement. 

-----Time skip brought to you by tem flakes (and a lazy child[Me])------ 

Soon all three of you come across what looks to be an abandon kingdom. Looking to Kris and Susie you see they look a bit happy to be here, but why? All of you start heading to the castle you can help but ask, "Ummm, What are we doing here??" Susie snorts and than answers, "Kris whats to see if our friend is here, if he's not than we have an idea of ware he may be." You just look at Susie with an look that says "K I don't fucking care'. When you walk inside you hear a voice it sounds a bit like a male voice but its also squeaky (Thats how I think Ralsei sounds like). They said "Your back!? :) Kris Susie your back. :3" From the shadows a black goat looking guy comes out. Now you can tell that they'er male, he's wearing a green hat, robes/dress thing, glass and a magenta/pink scarf. AND OH MY LORD IF HE DIDN'T LOOK LIKE THE FUZZIEST BOI EVER! "Ya," you hear Susie say "and we brought a friend." Susie pointed to you. "Oh, Hello I'm Ralsei, and you are?..." Ralsei says holding his hand out for you to shake. "Oh, I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you Ralsei." you say and shake his hand/paw. AN GOD IT WAS SO FLUFFY AND SOFT! Honistly you had a real soft (get it? no? ok I'll stop..... NOT more puns) spot for fluffy and soft animals. "Its nice to meet you (Y/N)." Ralsei says well kind of ...blushing? 'God, could this fuzzy boi get any cuter?' you think to yourself, feeling yourself blush a little. "We done here?" Susie asks interrupting your thoughts of fluffy boi's fluffiness. "Y-Ya." you say letting go of Ralsei's hand. "Good, now we can go see Lancer." Susie says and starts walking out. "Who's Lancer?" you wonder out loud. "He's the new king of the Dark World." Ralsei explain, "He's MUCH better then his dad was." Ralsei says grabbing your hand. "Come on (Y/N) let's catch up to Kris and Susie!" You hadn't acknowledged the fact that Kris left with Susie, .... you DID acknowledged the fact that you felt your face heat up more when Ralsei grabbed your hand. You hoped it would go a way soon, but why were you blushing? Did you like Ralsei? Ya he was nice, but you barely knew him! But than again why did you feel like you had butterflies in your gut, and blush when he grabbed you hand JUST TO SHAKE IT! Did you have a crush on Ralsei????

(HAY! PEEPS! I'ma sorz that I'ma lazzy fuck....... BUT here's another chapter 4 you. also just so you know it's always ALWAYS you point of view (POV) unless it says other wise. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sorz again. hold up another chapter is a bendy song ohhhhhhhhh your KIDDING ME!!!!! DONT NO BODY GO THINKING IMA MAKE IT A CROSS OVER! unless i need ideas then fuck it. BUT NOOOOOO BODY GOAT TIME FRO DAT SHIT! ok i'll stop now. also i just finshed and its like 2:31 in the morning sooooo, TOP OF THE MORN' TO YA LADDIES! Oh, my fucking god i'm so fucking done and tired ok no i say bye. btw i feel like a bike because im TWO TIRED! haha nowwwwwww i'll stop. >:3)

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