chapter 3 'something'

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Did you like Ralsei? No, well... maybe? Just a little. You and Ralsei catch up to Kris and Susie, who were waiting by a training dummy that looked a lot like Ralsei. "Why is there a training dummy?" you asked confused. "It's a training dummy I made." Ralsei says quietly, yet still sounding proud. You nod your head, not really knowing what to say. You kinda wanted to be alone with Ralsei, because if you were, you could tell him that you may have a slight crush on him. No. You couldn't. Just the thought of telling him that made you feel like you had a million butterflies fluttering around in your gut.


(Y/N) and I have caught up to Kris and Susie. But I kinda wanted to be alone with (Y/N) a little. Just to get to know her. She was, something. when I meet her just a few minutes ago I felt strange, ... like I could be with her forever! I look at the training dummy I made... WHAT! I had the perfect plan to have at least a bit of alone time with (Y/N)! "Kris, Susie you two should go on ahead of us. I think it may be a good idea to teach (Y/N) what to do in a battle. You know, just encase." I say trying not to sound like I wanted to be alone with her. Susie shrugged and said "Come on Kris. We'll what for you two just outside the door, ok?" I nod my head as they start walking off.

([Y/N]'s POV)

Did he... does he... could he... feel the same way?? is it possible-

Ralsei interupted your thoughts on the matter, "Ok, (Y/N) you can fight, act, or use an item. You can only spare a foe if you convince them not to fight or make them tired." Ralsei explains, "Umm, Lets try fighting first." You look at your hands noticing you had no weapon, but instead had you sketch book in hand. Was this your weapon??? You glance over at Ralsei who looked confused as well. Fighting with you sketch book would not just be annoying but it also may damage it, and it was like a $20 sketch book. instead you decide to act instead of fight the dummy because, what did the dummy do to you? Why would you attack it? You quickly draw the dummy in your sketch book and show the dummy. "Look we can be friends." You say to the dummy. "That's good!" Ralsei said sounding pleased, "It's HIGHLY unlikely that we'll need to fight and acting would be the way to go if we do need to fight." Ralsei smiled wide. You look down at your sketch book seeing the drawing of the dummy, and before you knew it you asked, "Hay, Ralsei.... Can I, ummm... Draw you?" You could feel your face heating up when you asked that. Why did you? You never have drawn another person before! You bite the inside of your lip to try and stop yourself from blushing. If only he would say he liked you maybe then you wouldn't feel awkward around him! Or maybe you could tell him? NO! That was out of the question! What if he shot you down? You didn't want to have your heart broken. But than again what if he liked you too?

(Ralsei's POV again)

I could feel my fuzzy face heat up when (Y/N) asked if she could draw me. I wanted to answer but a lump formed in my thought. 10 seconds of silence passed before I was able to finely find my words. "Ya, I would love that." I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart down. I watched as she sat down pressing her pencil down on the paper. She looked up at me once, than back to her paper as she started to draw. It only took her about 10 minutes before she finished. "Ok, I'm done. ....Do you ... wanna see it?" she asked. "Of coarse I do!" I say smiling at her, which cases her to blush a little. Gosh, if she couldn't get anymore perfect! She shows me her sketch book it has a very detailed drawings of me in different poses. "Wow," I say "It's so good!" I watch as she blushes harder and says, "Thank you, Ralsei." I look at her than to her drawing, man I was wrong she just got a lot more perfect! She really is something.

([Y/N]'s POV)

I look at Ralsei. Then I look down and bite my lip trying to stop blushing. BUT GOD IF HE ISN'T THE CUTEST! I sigh, "We should go catch up with Kris and Susie. We've made them what long enough." I look up at Ralsei to see him nodding his head. "Ya, Your right." he says and starts walking off as I fallow behind. I wish we were an item, a thing, at least.... Something.

(HAY YA PEEPS! I think this is my favorite chapter so far, also probably the best one too! Well I don't know when I'll start working on the next chapter, BUT butty but but I DO know Ima add something to it! What is that something? you ask. Honestly..... I. HAVE. NO. IDEA! But it will be good. hopefully. ALSO sorry if ima lazy ass and make a short chapter in the future. But hay, It's not like i have better shit to do so ya. BOI! [bye but like in a temmie voice.])

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