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To my husband,
my friend,
my anchor,
my everything.
I love you.

Gosh, I don't know where to start, I'm not even sure if it was a rainy day or a sunny one. I have no idea.

I was 25 years old soon to be 26. I was recently single, NOT ready to mingle. And I had no idea that my life will take an unexpected turn in 10 months.

I was working at this company that had a lot of employees and knowing all of them was hard.

I definitely knew everyone on my team, as we were a handful of people, but a lot of others were a mystery.

As was he.

One day they announced that a new member will join our small team starting next Monday. And that it's someone who already works in the company. Naturally, I've never heard of the guy.

Monday came.

And no, I didn't fell on my butt when I saw him.

Hell no!

I didn't even notice Nikola.


His full name is actually Nikolche. He said this with a smile. His smile is just the cutest by the way - not that I cared!

But at that time, it was just something that I noticed randomly.

We were usually on the same shift, but I was so into my job, that I wasn't aware of this.

"Hey Nikola," I would say at the end of my shift, "So are you ready to start your shift?"

"No Elena, I was the same shift as you, for the whole 8 hours."

Oh. Okay. Cool cool.

...and he would be like... "Didn't you saw me this morning?"

I forget to see my face in the mornings, but nevermind.

Anyways, back to me being recently single. This cute little fellow can sit and be pretty, I had a soul searching to do.

Because I got to a point where I would ask myself: Who am I?

What do I want out of life? Out of myself. Out of others.

Do I deserve anything that I want and need?

It sure felt that I didn't.

Yes, it was a time of my life where I didn't value myself. I guess one has to hit rock bottom if they want to get up and reach the skies. Or something like that.

I surrounded myself with people worth my while.
Pieces were starting to form, but the whole picture of myself was still quite messed up.

I still had a long way to go of course. We always do.

I still felt as something was missing. And I don't mean a partner. Just something that everyone else seems to have and I didn't.

I needed to feel as I belonged.

I thought I must be some sort of an alien.

Especially because I kept lying to myself that I understand love, or people even, so I would feel human.

But these doubts were needed. I needed to face them in order to move on.

And after a little soul searching I was finally ready to find out who I was.

And it all led me to him.

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