Our souls connected

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Sooo... it's safe to say that after the incident we didn't talk. Like, screw him!
Not even a hello.

But one day he was arguing with a colleague, and I felt the need to interfere cause I don't like fights.

And I spoke to him to smooth the situation. I even gave him a chocolate cookie.

And we were back on talking terms.

And not just that. We hit it off like two sides of a coin this time. He would tell me stuff, I would tell him stuff.

Private stuff.
I mean way more private than we used to tell each other.

In the dictionary, next to BFF you could find our picture.

Because I really cared for him, and he cared for me. But nothing sexual, nothing romantic. It was pure friendship.

And that was the period that I met him. The real him.

And I liked him. As a friend - but I liked him.

And one day, it was New Years and I was in a bar with some people... and well I hate New Year's Eve and at that moment I just wanted to go home.

It was lame. 'Dis the reason why I don't usually celebrate it.

I wasn't sure what I was doing there, to be honest. So after the clock struck 12, I and my colleague that was with me decided to go to another bar where our other colleagues were. To say a happy new year and to go home.

So we went and there was he - Nikola.

Remember how he was driving on the day of the incident because he wasn't drinking.

Well, he was drunk that night and definitely NOT driving.

He saw me and immediately started hugging me.

And I felt so uncomfortable. Imagine if his current girl is there she might take it wrongly.

And it definitely wasn't like that.

Um sooo... he said these following words to me, please don't be disgusted people: "I love you so much as if you are my sister, you have no idea how much I respect you, and gosh I love you. You are my sister!"

And I was like "Okay okay, where is your girl?"
*Still feeling uncomfortable*

He told me that they were broken up for weeks now.

And I was like damn. So sad.

And he was like "no no its all good, I have another girl lined up for tonight."

Too bad that other girl saw how he was hugging me.


So you might ask, what did we do after that amazing hugging session?

He was roaming Facebook and was going on dates with girls.

Had one night stands and stuff.

So romantic - I know.

Speaking of romantic, we talked so much about it, he shared every single detail of his love life with me. Like every. Single. Detail.

I mean... TMI!

Okay so, one day he decided that he wants me to teach him my part of the job. Our boss said yes. And we had a whole week of being all 8 hours together, not just the breaks and lunch like before.

And let me tell you. I am very passionate about my job and very professional.

So when he decided he would chat with this girl while I was trying my best to teach him I confiscated his phone.

What? He needed to focus on me... err I mean he needed to focus on learning!

So I had his attention. And as if he drank the words that came out of my mouth.

He said to me out of the blue, "I can't believe I thought you were stupid when I started working here."

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool...

And he went into a deep mode of analyzing me like his eyes zoomed in on me and he started talking how great I am. By the end of the week, he started giving me weird looks.


Now, something interesting happened.

The last day, on Friday, on February 6th, 2015, we were in the classroom and he looked at my butt and said the following:

"How would you react if I tied you up on one of the chairs and did stuff to you?"

I was stunned.

But... he is so cute and can get away with everything that I didn't get mad. I was like "please pay attention and don't speak about things that will never happen."

I resumed teaching him, asking myself if something was wrong with the air conditioning because it was suddenly so hot in the room.

Okay so the day went by, we were second shift and I was thirsty - I mean hungry.

He said he would take me home, but I was like I am hungry.

I. Need. Food!

So we went to this pizza place.

We talked so much all night, he shared so much with me, and he basically stripped his soul naked in front of me.

And in that pizza place, I looked at him and I felt as if a halo was around his face. It's weird, but my eyes as if they were blessed with the sight of an angel.

I thought to myself, gosh he is so beautiful and so hot.

You might notice this is the first time I acknowledge that he is hot. That's because I never cared before this moment.

And when we talked later in our relationship about that night he also admitted that at that moment he saw me and thought that I was so beautiful.

And he took me home and we just couldn't stop talking. And in the middle of it, he kissed me. And I felt as if I'm floating.

A kiss has never felt more right to me.

At that moment, the world was beautiful and my life made sense.

Funny enough we had to go to another city with the colleagues the other day. And it was so awkward being together after that kiss. We would steal glances, and he would hug me occasionally.

But something else was bothering me.

His date the next day.

With a girl he had shown me a few days prior to this.

I was so sad. I prepped him all week for this date on Sunday. And now I didn't want him to go.

But I didn't have it in me to tell him not to go.

I don't tell people what to do.

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