Love Is Scary

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Did he go to that date you might ask?
He was a man whore. Obviously he went.

Sorry Nikola but you were.

But I didn't let that bring me down.
So I went out too and made my colleague friend to take a picture of me and put it in the team group on Facebook. Like it was random. But I wanted him to see the picture and suffer.

Because oh man did that skirt I was wearing was doing its job.

And our boy Nikola did saw the picture, left his date in the car and called me. And talked with me outside of the car. And she probably heard everything.

Everything as in "I'm taking care of something and I'm gonna come to get you, you are so beautiful."

And he got me. And he took me out every night after that.

For a whole week, we were obsessed with each other.

And it was scary.

Especially for him, I guess. He would not write to other girls anymore and he would only think of his crazy colleague - me.

So he chickened out.

He said he can't make it to our date because his cousin needs him.

And I knew. I knew he was lying. I always know. Til this day he can't lie to me to save his life.

So I stayed home for two days (apart from going to work- because: life).

Saying nothing to him. Being reminded that he is a player and that I should probably take my heart out to give it a beating.

Stupid stupid heart!

And then he called. And he confessed to me that he was with another girl.

I would've survived better if he shot me there and then.

But I played it cool. We never said we were exclusive. And he can do whatever he likes right?


He said something that I still pass out over to.

He said, "I respect you too much to make a fool of you, I..." he stopped briefly, "I can't explain. All the time I was with her I thought of you. And I felt sick and I felt that that's wrong. And you don't feel wrong..." he placed a kiss on my shoulder, "I know what kind of person I am. But I'll promise you something I've never promised to anyone. I will never lie to you and if I ever feel the need for to do something stupid, I will let you know."

And honestly, that's what I need. I need honesty. Nothing else.

We were not in the clear yet. We haven't said the words.

And them this little girl *moi* might've said I love you way too soon.

But I said in English and he didn't catch what I said clearly so...

Who am I kidding... He knew what I said.

And then after a while, he said it back. In our mother tongue.

And he meant it.

Because I felt his emotions. I felt everything he would say. Still do.

And then we were in the clear.

We were one.

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