The Question

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Well, fast forward to 3 years since that fateful kiss.

And as strange it was for me, I loved him more each passing day. We were inseparable.

It was so strange how one simple kiss would change your life.

I mean it all happened in a span of 2 weeks and we were madly in love already.

Fine, I was madly in love before those two weeks ended.
Like at the moment he kissed me...

Fine, I later realized that I might've been unknowingly crushing on him before that.

Anyways. People got used to the idea of us. We were still an unlikely union after all.

And we talked and talked about living together, being non stop together.

All our plans were in the service of us to be as much close to each other as possible.

Like I couldn't get enough.

Do you know how you are always crazy when you are left alone and unsupervised?

Well, I am like that with him.
Like I am so comfortable that I can't even put it into words.

So one day, he says to me "Let's go to Ohird when the weather gets better. Like... March 3rd?"

And I don't know why, but I started suspecting that he would do something... Something like a proposal.

So I made sure I'm free that weekend. We are going to Ohrid.

That's a town in our country that has a beautiful lake and amazing architecture. And a bit outside of the city there is Saint Naum that has one of the best views of the whole lake.

It's also a place that we used to go a lot in the first months of our relationship. Like almost every weekend. It's where our love grew.

The day came and obviously I did my nails. You know, just in case my intuition is right.

He picked me up. We drove there. It takes about an hour and a half to reach the town, so the drive was quite pleasant. He was so careful with me and thoughtful. He always is, but this time he did it a bit extra.

Finally, he asked me "Why are you so dressed up?"

Oops, did I just get caught?

"What are you saying, we are going to another city, I'm not going to wear old clothes or something..." I defended myself.

"If you say so," and then he saw my nails.

I don't have the tendency to have color on my nails. Mostly because I'm lazy. So he knew that it was a rare thing to have my nails colored.

"You've done your nails too..."

"Well I had extra time this morning, and I thought I'll do them. Like... I was so bored."
He smiled knowingly.

So we had an amazing lunch, we wandered the city, and he was acting casually, and I realized that I might have thought about this all wrong. He is not planning on proposing to me.

So then, he suggested that we go to Saint Naum, and the whole area there is just so beautiful.

My hopes were instantly up.

We finally arrived there and spent time wandering and taking pictures. And he was definitely not kneeling.

Well, maybe I was wrong about this.

Then it started raining. And we decided we will go home.

I was definitely wrong about this.

Not cool.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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