[O4] euphoria

851 82 55

eu·pho·ri·a /yo͞oˈfôrēə/

(def.) a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness

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for the rest of the day, kevin noticed a slight difference when it comes to how jacob acts towards him.

he was confused but tried not to bother the other with it unless he himself decided to spill it out.

jacob's cheek was never the normal color for the entire day, and even though how much kevin tried to get him to talk, he would just hum or mutter some short answer.

kevin still hadn't told the other 10 boys about the letters, but his way of thinking told him that it will be much better if it stays between him and jacob only.

so when the bell signaled that class is over, kevin decided to just ditch his friends for the day and go straight home, or jacob's home, whichever his heart wants, to swoon over today's letter.

heading towards his bike, kevin felt a rush of relief as the maroon envelope of his was gone and replaced by a familiar cerulean envelope on the same spot.

your letter gives me new hope i thought was gone. thank you, for being the cause of my euphoria. -etoile

a faint pink tint began to show itself on the flustered boy's cheeks as he muttered aloud the curves on the paper. 

he cycled home but his focus was just not on the road. he cycled home but all that's in his mind is his star's words.

his star. etoile, means stars in french. kevin mentally thanked his middle school french teacher for teaching them random words that he didn't think would be useful. 

he found it really heartwarming, how the letter's writer mentions themselves as etoile, the stars to his moon.

finally making his mind to just chill at his room for the remainder of the day, kevin opened his phone to see no notifications aside from his group chat, who just never seems to go silent.

however, his activities were cut short when beyonce started blasting from his phone, signaling a call.

incoming call...

👻🚀 eric son of a--

immediately answering his friend's call, kevin didn't think that it was something serious, as he knew so well that the younger could never be.

but he felt his body tense and froze as the squad's youngest breaks the news to him.

"kevin? why were you so
rushed during the end of
school hours?"

"i don't know, just missing
home i guess,"

"psh, as if that's possible.
well, doesn't matter now, that's

not my purpose of calling.
see, jacob's been looking
sick ever since school ends.
long story short, he fainted,
we brought him back home,
and it turns out that he had
another attack, so i was
wondering if yo--"

kevin can't even think of anything else when he one-sidedly hung up the phone and cycled towards jacob's house in a speed he didn't even think exists.

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