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16 Years Ago:

Ben and Y/n were sleeping soundly in their cots in the nursery of the castle.

King Beast and Queen Belle were also soundly asleep in the room next to the nursery.

The castle was silent, all staff had gone to bed, and there wasn't any wind to blow the leaves on the trees, nor any rain to patter loudly off of the windows. All was well and good.

However in that peaceful moment, the King and Queen were awoken by crying from their two children. Even though Queen Belle knew that nanny was in hand, her maternal instincts was telling her something was wrong. She had had suspicions earlier, however her husband had reassured her. However, in that moment, Queen Belle knee something was wrong.

So she skinned out of her husbands arms and out of the bed. She headed for the nursery door, only to open it and see a truly terrifying sight...

There, in the middle of the room, in between the two cots, stood Maleficent. Belle let out a scream, only to be silenced seconds later by a flick of Maleficent's wrist. The screen was not enough to warn the guards, but it was enough to wake her sleeping husband.

King Beast ran into the room, sword at the ready. Upon seeing Maleficent he ran at her "NOOO! GET AWAY FROM THEM!!!" Only for both him and his wife to be frozen. Unable to move a muscle.

Maleficent only chuckled evilly. "Oh, don't worry your little royal brains, I'm only here to give these two precious gems..." she stopped to struck your hair, while holding Ben's hand "a gift on my behalf."

Maleficent then repositioned herself to an upright position grasping her staff between both her hands.
She then began to chant a spell. Or rather. The curse.

"Henceforth make one out of these two
For what happens to one, will happen to the two"

The staff began to glow. Slowly and carefully, Maleficent touched the tip of the staff to each of the child's foreheads before slamming the base of the staff into the ground, creating a ripple effect of magic pulsating from the staff.

Maleficent then flicked her wrist once more, unfreezing the King and Queen, saying "It is done"

The king charged at Maleficent, while the Queen ran to her children sobbing her heart out. Before the sword could pierce Maleficent's skin however, she disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

The king fell to kid knees and put his head in his hands. His wife soon joined him on the floor where they stayed for the rest of the night.

The children had not stopped crying since they started.

Over the next few days the King was extremely busy. He ordered all villains be put on an Isle where they couldn't escape, nor could they use any magic.

Fairy Godmother did what she could for the children, but was unable to break the spell. So, instead, she learned what she could about this curse. One evening she explained it to the King and Queen.

"So what are we dealing with here exactly" King Beats questioned the fairy.

"Well Maleficent has castes an extremely powerful curse on your babies. From what I know, and fork what I have discovered it is a curse to link one soul to another. They are still separate persons, however they may as well share a body. If one of the twins gets hurt or injured, the other will two. If any more spells are cast on either one of them, it will also affect the other. And if..." the fairy trailed off.

"If what!?!?" The King bellowed. Queen Belle grabbed her husbands hand, giving it a tight squeeze, while maintaining her gaze on the fairy godmother.

The fairy took a deep breath before continuing "If one of them were to die, in infancy or at any moment thereafter, then the other wouldn't survive"

Queen Belle broke down into a fit of sobs, while King Beast has a look of unfathomable rage on his face, only his eyes showed immense pain and sadness.

"I'm so sorry" the fairy godmother said before leaving the King and Queen alone.

After collecting herself the Queen turned to her husband "What are we going to do?"

"We are going to do what we always do. Beat evil. Until then we keep this curse among us,the fairy godmother, and the twins"

The Queen only nodded, as her eyes filled with tears once again. She turned away from her husband. However King Beats took a hold of Belle's chin, turning her to face him once again. He kissed her and sent the most reassuring words that he could to his wife.

"Good always wins."

However part of him felt like, maybe this time it might be different.

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