Family Day

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CARLOS AND EVIE had spent the night reading through countless books that they had gotten from the library. They couldn't find any information about this curse. The king and queen had evidently gone to extreme lengths to wipe all evidence of the curses existence so no one could find out about it.

Carlos was disappointed but he still was having second guesses about the plan. Could thing work out between him and Y/n, if they didn't steal the wand? Mal couldn't keep Ben spelled forever, and then there was Dude who he had come to love. He finally had an opportunity for love in his life. 

The Vk's walked outside on top of a balcony overlooking the Family Day festivities before heading down into the crowd. Ben and Y/n were leading a rendition of 'Be Our Guest', along with the other Ak's.

When the song came to an end, Y/n and Ben greeted some guests before going over towards their parents for a family photograph. However the twins were stopped in their tracks by none other than Chad Charming. 

"There you are, I haven't seen you in the past couple of days. where have you been?"

"Oh sorry, I was busy with... organizing the uh, the Coronation". In truth the young princess had been avoiding Chad ever since the love spell had been broken, and now here he was. Making eye contact with her brother she could tell he wanted her to just rip the band aid off and break up with him, and so he left her to do just that.

"Em Chad, I need to speak to you about something"

"Yes I do too, I was thinking that you should wear a blue dress instead of a yellow one, it's not that you don't look good in yellow it's just well, we need to co-ordinate our outfits, and baby just matches my eyes, don't you think?"

"Chad I think we should break up"

"I knew you wouldn't agree straight away but I think with a little.... wait hold on. Did you say break up?"

"Yes, I just don't think this is working out anymore"

"So everything you said to me was a lie?"

"Look Chad I have been telling you for years I am not interested, this, thing between us was a momentary lapse in judgement and it won't happen again"

"What's gotten into you? I bet its those villain kids. I knew they were bad news and now they have turned you against me. Someone needs to say something"

"No Chad this has nothing to do with them. I want o break up with you. It's over. Goodbye."

With that Y/n walked away and went over to her family who were getting ready to pose for a picture and joined them.

"Oh did I tell you that I got a new girlfriend?" Ben informed his parents.

"Oh really? I would never of said it before but I always thought Audrey was a little self-absorbed." Y/n couldn't help but snicker under her breath at her mother's words, they were the truth after all.

"Who is this girl. Can we meet her?"

"Mal" Ben called out waving her over, Y/n couldn't help but find her parents reactions very amusing. Five minutes later and she found herself playing croquet with her family and some of the Vk's.

"You!" Y/n turned around t see Mal with Audrey's grandmother. "How are you here! And how have you stayed so young?"

 The girl quickly ran over to the scene alongside Ben. 

"Queen Leah, its okay Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter Mal. Don't you remember mine and Y'n's proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben asked the woman.

"A chance to what Ben? Destroy us? Oh come on, you remember don't you? The poison apples? And the spells? My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. Her first words her first steps. I missed it all!"

Y/n flinched slightly at the mention of the spells that went on, Ben seemed to notice and gave her hand a squeeze.

"I'm so sorry" Mal tried to apologize, but Chad stepped in stopping her.

"No, no stay away from her". " Don't do this Chad" Ben warned him. "What? They were raised by their parents Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids, huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way okay. Uh uh"

Y/n had, had enough from Chad. "Yeah and I'm sure you were taught all that and look at how you turned out? I haven't seen you be kind to any of the Vk's since they got here. You have no right to speak to them that way." Hearing Y/n speak up for them gave Carlos hope that maybe she dd truly like him and was in fact spelled.

"No one asked for your opinion, look you stole another girls boyfriend" He said looking at Mal. " Hey, hey" " You enjoy hurting people" This one was aimed at Jay. He then turned to look at Evie. "And you. You're nothing but a gold digger, and a cheater"

"Mirror mirror in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie asked her mirror. She then showed the mirror to Chad that had a picture of him showing on it. "What? Come on" Chad then hit the mirror out of Evie's hand causing Jay to take a step up to him. "Back off Chad"

Evie then sprayed some perfume type spray on Chad, knocking him out. The Vk's then ran off, while Audrey tried frantically to wake Chad up. Ben and Y/n  looked around hopelessly, before turning to their parents , 2 I feared something like this would happen" their father told them."This isn't their fault!" The twins exclaimed simultaneously. "No children, it's yours." The King then walked away taking his wife with him. One by one everyone involved in the stand off left the twins standing thee alone at a loss on what to do now.


"HEY GUYS. HOW IS EVERYONE" Ben asked the descendants, who were sitting silently around a picnic table. He was followed by his sister. "Yeah alright, it was nothing, forget about it let it go" Ben went to stand behind Ma and put his hands on her shoulders. "Tomorrow after the Coronation I promise everything will be okay" Ben then bent down to whisper in Mal's ear, "I have to go" Standing up to straighten out his jacket, Ben said his goodbyes, and left.

Y/n decided to take advantage of Ben's after the coronation it would be okay promise. She put her hand on Carlos' shoulder. "I owe you an apology for how I've been acting, I don't know what's wrong with me, maybe it's all this stress and worry about the coronation I don't know, but that is no excuse for how I treated you" Y/n knew that wasn't exactly true, she knew the real reason behind her strange behavior, but Ben didn't want Mal to know that he knew about the spell yet, so she pretended she still didn't know.

Carlos couldn't believe his ears, his spirits lifted at hearing this, however he couldn't bring himself to talk after the day he had just had, so he gave her a warm smile.

"Y/n!" Chad called out. "Not now. Leave me alone Chad" "Y/n!" Chad repeated calling her over. "I said not now!" Y/n shouted at him.

Everyone fell silent. No one had ever heard the princess raise her voice before in public. The girl spun on her heel and stormed off. Unaware of the chaos that was unfolded after she had left that involved Jane, Audrey and Mal. Unaware that Mal in that moment couldn't wait to steal the wand. Unaware that even though Carlos agreed with Mal in that instance, he didn't want Y/n to get caught up in what the freeing of the villain's would bring, now that he knew she was genuine when he first came to Auradon.

Truthfully, none of the descendants wanted to do this, their anger was just clouding their judgment at this moment in time. By the morning they would be second guessing the plan, wanting to stay in Auradon, and go to school, play Tourney, and be friends with each other.

A few minutes later, Y/n found herself at the tree house where Ben had told her to meet him. He was sorting through some paperwork, and had brought some for her, that she needed to get done as well. The twins then sat in silence, not wanting to talk about what had happened. Instead they worked away in fear and in excitement for what tomorrow would bring.

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