Remedial Goodness

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Your POV:

After Ben had demonstrated, Dad's changing statue of a man to a beast, and Carlos had freaked out, I showed the two boys to their room. Well, Chad and I showed them. He was refusing to leave my side, I guessed so I wouldn't be alone with Carlos and Jay. Meanwhile Audrey had left with Ben to show the boys to their room.

I gave the boys their timetables and have them a quick one over on the rules about curfew and what not. "So if you have any questions, be sure to ask" "Doug" Chad cut me off. He then framed my hand and pulled me away, towards the lunch hall for lunch.

Carlos' POV

Jay and I were playing some sort of game on some sort of box, while Evie and Mal day on the beds. We were in Jay and I's room.

"We need to get this wand tonight. I don't think I can spend any minute longer on this island" Mal explained in a huff.

"Are we really in such a rush. Why can't we just leave it a few days so we can come up with a better plan" I noted.

Jay chuckled, turning to look at me "Are you sure you don't just want to hang out with a certain (h/c) princess?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I blushed and went back to the game.

"Aw Carlos had a crush!" Jay teased. "I do not!" I exclaimed.

"Well crush or no crush, we are getting that wand tonight. I for one do not intend on sitting" Mal picked up her timetable, taking a look at it "Remedial Goodness 101? Ugh, can you believe this?! Evie mirror!"

Evie got her mother's magic mirror, and handed it to Mal. "Magic mirror in my hands, show me where the magic wand stands". The mirror showed the wand. After telling it to zoom out, Mal discovered that it was in the museum.

Mal and Evie left, while Jay followed. I was trying to take advantage of Jay's absence, trying to win, but they called me. I put down the remote thing and followed them out the door.

Time Skip to Next Morning
(I'm not going to write about the museum break-in as nothing new happens. It goes as the movie. However if you want me to write the scene just comment, and I'll be sure to do it. I honestly just want to get on to the good part of the story)

Your POV

Ben and I were on our way to the VK's room to check if they had any questions. We went to Jay and Carlos' room first. Ben knocked on the door and stood beside me. Mal answered the door. Evie was also inside.

"We we were just wondering if y-you had any uh" Ben was stuttering as he stared at Mal, so I decided to cut in "If you had any questions?" I made eye contact with Carlos for a second before looking away quickly.

"Eh no I think we're good" Mal replied.

Ben and I were about to leave, when Mal stopped us.

"Actually, is it true that the entire school gets to go to your coronation?"

"Yes, it is. The whole kingdom is invited" Ben replied.

"Do you think it could be possible for us to get front seats. You know soak up all that goodness?"

"I'm sorry but those seats are reserved for my parents, my girlfriend and Y/n of course. There's a seat reserved for her date, but our parents are making her take Chad. For diplomacy reasons and all" Ben told Mal.

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