Chapter 3: Meeting Horror

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You wake up, but feel a hard surface underneath you. It feels like hard, slightly cold concrete. You notice the F/C pillow & the S/F/C blanket. Somebody must have placed this on you while you were sleeping. You rub your tired eyes & get up, you walk over to the cage door but fall back onto your back. You were chained up, with a collar around your neck. did I not notice this...
You thought.
You begin to hear footsteps coming to your direction & you hear somebody speak,

"Well, looks like somebody's finally up,"
They sounded intimidating, you look up to see a skeleton with a dark blue winter jacket with black basketball shorts with white stripes down the side. They also had a crack at the left of they're skull, which made you a little concerned. You decide to speak up & say something.
"H-H-Hello m-mister..."
You noticed that you stuttered while saying your sentence, but the skeleton seemed to be...blushing!?

~Horror's POV~

I was told by nightmare that I had to keep watch of the prisoner for the week, great....
I start walking to the prisoner's cage & noticed it was a girl..that's weird.
I saw that the girl looked half asleep, so I decided to say somethin' to get her attention,
"Well, looks like somebody's finally up,"
They seemed to notice me & looked up at me, they must've seen the crack in my skull cuz they looked concerned for a moment, but then, they said somethin' back,
"H-H-Hello m-mister..."

'Thump' 'Thump'

I started to feel my cheekbones heat up, & I guess the prisoner noticed too, cuz she looked back into my eye sockets while I looked into her beautiful E/C eyes...wait...did I just say beautiful..!?
I decided to break the long silence,
"H-Hey, what y-your n-name..?"
Good job me, REAL good job!
Surprisingly, she responded to my stupid attempt at small talk,
"I-I'm Y/N...Y/N L/N...."
Wow... such a beautiful name...I gotta stop sayin' that!?
I responded back.
"W-Well, I'm Sans b-but you can call me H-Horror.. Y'know, so there isn't a-any confusion between all of u-us,"
"Well, i-it's nice to meet you, Horror," she smiled an adorable smile... Y'know what, I won't deny it, she IS beautiful, she IS adorable & I will make sure she knows it!
I felt my cheekbones heat up more than before & I just looked at Y/N's beautiful,sweet E/C eyes

I can't deny she stole my love..for her love...I'll do anything~

( Oh holy shit!!! Damn, 508 words... that's alot of words!!! Well i have two options, i can write another chapter before I head to my house that has no wifi, OR , i can wait until tomorrow to write the next chapter when my mind is full of ideas..... i dunno honestly but, i hope you guys liked the chapter! Cya!!! )

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