A/N is back to haunt you again niBBa!

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Soo....another A/N here!!

Again, sorry for not updating this story, i've still been dealing with real life problems, but, okay, to put this in good terms, i might stop updating this book, because i'm planning on writting a new book, which will take a longer time to write.

And with that note, i've also lost passion for this book and undertale fandom, since i've been so involved in the Overwatch and countryhumans fandoms

it's just, i've been in the fandom for so long, it got kinda boring for me and i'm gonna take a break from the book and fandom, and involve myself in other fandoms

On the note of other fandoms, i'm gonna write a countryhuman X reader book, so you guys can vote ( comment ) who will be the character of the book, and what kind of book you want it to be!

so here are the two characters you can vote ( comment ) between:

-USSR ( Soviet Union ) { More wholesome/ less lusty }


-Nazi Germany ( Third Reich ) { More lusty( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)/ less wholesome }

so, who do you choose~??

Stay Cheeki Breeki Mates!!!

Even Villians Can Love Too (Villian sanses x reader) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now