Noctis - Haters gonna Hate (pt1)

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"Noctis, where are you hiding?~" Athena sings as she pushes up a section of bush with her nose

Not too far away, young Noctis was hiding under a tarp, giggling as he thought he had found the perfect hiding place. Unfortunately it wasn't just a forgotten tarp, it was a trap for cambions. He takes a step back and the trap springs to life, catching his back leg and yanking him into the air.

"Looks like we got one" A male voice snickers
"It's a pup too." Another says as a group of three wolves walk towards poor dangling Noctis
"Good, the younger the better." the first huffs
"Wh-Who are you? What do you want with me?.." Noctis whimpers, his golden eyes wet with tears
"Oh don't you worry about that cambion. It'll be over soon enough." the third growls
"M-Ma! Mamma help!" Noctis howls, one of the wolves cutting him down and steps on his muzzle
"Shut up kid!" he snarls
"Hold him still, let's get this over with." The first says as he prowls over

Noctis' breath quickens as the large wolf approached him, his eyes shrunk with absolute terror. Suddenly a large roar like bark echoes around them and Athena burst from the bramble in her cambion form. She tackles the wolves away from her pup and stands over him protectively, her jaws alight with blue flames.

"Crap, she's one of the Guardians... What do we do?.."
"We leave for know...If she's a protected cambion then the Guardians won't be far behind."

Athena's ruby eyes glare at the three, memorizing their appearances before breathing a bought of fire, burning their coats and sending them running.

"M-Momma..." Noctis whimpers as he looks up at his enraged mother
"Mommy's here honey." she says as she steps away and nuzzles him "What did they do to you? Are you hurt?" she whimpers as she inspects him
"Th-They, Ow.."

Noctis falls to the floor after attempting to stand, his back leg was dislocated and needed to be put back in place. Athena licks his tears away and gently picks him up by his scruff.

"Let's get you home, your father knows more about healing than I do."

Athena slowly walks towards their home where Rune would be waiting for them, her ears perked as she listened for any other wolves in the area.

" I in trouble?"
"Of course not baby. This wasn't your fault. However, I'd like you to not wander so far off for now on okay?"
"Yes mommy. I love you."
"I love you too Noctis."

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