Lost Gem - Fight(pt2)

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The two teens circled each other, their eyes never leaving the others form. The air slowly grew thick with tension as their fellow students waited for the fight to start. Lars was at least a head taller than Aoki, not to mention his large frame gave his muscled body more mass and thus made him more intimidating.

The armor clad Titan students roared in excitement, each one feeling they would win the match and earn the "priviledge" of having the cool morning breeze on their back rather the scorching sun.

"Well if you're not going to start us off, then I will." Lars' voice rings from his helmet

With a swift step forward, Lars swings his large sword at the small girl. She however made no move, at least not until the last second. With a kick off the ground she flips over the blade, narrowly missing its sharp, gleaming edge. As she landed on the ground with her right foot, her left swiftly sweeps the larger male off his feet, sending him to the floor with a loud thud. The Reaper class cheers for their girl, a few even mock the Titans. Levi smiles at his star pupil, while his counter part grits his teeth in anger.

"You better not lose to a Reaper of all things, Osiris." Atlas growls at the boy

Lars quickly stands, glaring at the small girl before swinging his sword at her again. Aoki takes a step back with each swing, again narrowly escaping his attacks. After a moment she grabs the sides of the blade with the palms of her hands and twists, claiming the weapon for herself and pointing it at her opponent. 

"C'mon Lars, you got this!" Titus, his tall friend, calls from the crowd

Lars takes a deep breath to calm himself, thinking of a way to get his blade back and finish the match. Aoki smirks at her opponent and rushes forward, swinging the heavy weapon with both arms. Seeing her struggle, Lars catches the blade the same way she had moments before and takes it back, in the process sending her face first to the dirt covered floor below them. The Titan class rings with cheers and praise, Atlas silencing them with a simple wave of his hand.

"The match isn't over yet, don't get ahead of yourselves." Atlas grunts, his eyes trained on the two combatants

"How does the ground taste?" Lars asks smugly
"Better if your fat ass wasn't on it." Aoki hisses before kicking his jaw, making him stumble in pain

She takes the opportunity to get to her feet and rush towards her opponent, Lars quickly blocking her next attack with his armor clad arm. Aoki kicks off of his arm and draws her twin daggers, both being held backwards, blades pointing towards her instead of her opponent. Many laugh, believing the match was a piece of cake if she couldn't figure out how to properly hold a blade. Atlas however glares at the smug Levi, the two captains recognizing the style she was using. Lars swings his blade once more, Aoki blocking with a single dagger, the blade being reinforced by her arm and thus easily stopping the heavier weapon. She swings with her other arm, Lars having to release one hand from his sword to block her attack. Aoki pushes against his weakened arm, knocking the blade out of his hands and allowing her to pin him to the ground, pointing her blades in an "X" position against his exposed neck.

"I win." She smirks before getting off his chest

The Reapers cheer for their victor, the Titans glaring at Lars for his failure to secure them a spot in the arena.

"It appears my class has earned their usage of the arena for the morning Atlas." Levi hums as he pats Aoki's shoulder
"Whatever, a deal's a deal. Freshman, pack everything up, we will meet up here again at noon." Atlas grunts before leaving

"Nice going, Osiris." A boy from his class hisses as he and the others walk back to the locker room to get changed.

Lars sighs and walks after them, turning to the Reaper class one last time before following them out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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