Noctis - Haters gonna hate (pt2)

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"Noctis" a female voice calls

Noctis groans and stirs awake as he felt a nose being pushed against his cheek. His cambion cousin Jax stood over his sleeping form, her grey patterned fur slightly bristled and fear glistened in her turquoise eyes.

"What is it Jax?.." Noctis softly growls as he rubs his muzzle with a paw
"I-I think we're being hunted..I smell Nyx wolves.." she says nervously as her long cat like tail curls around her back leg
"Nyx?" He repeats before sniffing the air

A couple of familiar scents invade his nose, making him smirk and chuckle.

"So those assholes are back.."
"Stay here Jax. I'll be back."

Noctis prowls towards the source of the scent, his gold eyes glinting in the spotted light that was breaking through the treeline.

"You sure they're this way?" an oldish wolf growls
"I may have gotten old but my nose has yet to steer me wrong." the other male snaps
"Let's just make this quick." the first sighs

As Noctis creeps up behind them he smirks at the old wolves. After all they were two of the same group that tried to kill him when he was a kid, and again after his mother passed away.

"Well, look what we have here?" he hums as he walks over "long time no see boys"
"You!" the two wolves snarl before attacking

Noctis easily dodges their attacks before breathing a gout of fire at them, sending them running like his mother did all those years ago. Not without a string of curses and a promise to kill him however.

"Haters gonna hate." he shrugs before walking back to camp where he left his cousin

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