Cardboard Boxes

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??'s POV

The streets were empty with only the sounds of rain against the pavement. My feet move forward to an unknown destination. Empty of memories I can only go on in hopes of finding the place I belong.

With my only clues being the clothes I wear and seven tattoos marked around my body. Having woken up that morning I started my search with the first tattoo parlor however my search came to a dead end when he informed me the marks were that of a soulmates and not made with normal ink.

Drenched and shaking I attempt to find a shelter when I find an alley outside of a café. Knowing I wouldn't be allowed inside the café due to my lack of shoes and sick exterior I find a large box and padded blanket that must've been used to move furniture recently.

The answer was a no-brainer and I quickly wrapped myself in the blanket taking cover in the less than spacious container. My mind filled with the fog as I allowed myself to drift silently off to sleep.

If there is a God out there please guide me where to go.

Jin's POV

My boyfriend and I held hands underneath the table as I am sure the others at the table were doing as well. Laughter surrounded the table celebrating the day we debuted. Even Yoongi with his usual nonchalant attitude couldn't help but smile when one of his boyfriends tells him a joke. Despite the long practice hours and weather outside the café their day couldn't have been better.

The seven of them left no longer holding their partners hands due to fear of being seen by prying eyes. The storm had since stopped but the clouds remain. I pull my coat tight over my chest. Ever since we paid my mark had been tingling. The tree covering half my chest had left painful reminders that I was destined for another. Along with the ring on Namjoons pinkie being another stab at my heart.

Two people who fell in love despite being meant for others.

The tugging at my heart increased until I stopped in front of an alley. My mark increased to almost a pain.

"Jin?" Namjoons hand rested on my shoulder snapping me out of my daydream.

"There's something in there." I didn't know how I knew it but it was almost as if I could picture a boy shivering alone. I stepped forward only to be pulled back. "Joon! Can't you see him? He's sick."

Despite the disbelieving look he gave me he let me go further into the alley. The other bandmates watched in silence as I led them to a box near the café dumpster. I took a deep breath as I grabbed the flap. Something told me that if I moved forward my life would never be the same. Even with that knowledge I opened the box looking in to see a shivering boy drenched from the rain. It seemed the box by some miracle had not fallen apart.

"Oh my god." Jimin rushed past me to pull the boy from the box. His turtleneck ripped in many places and a pair of jeans clinging to his skin. The only other clothing being a thin par of socks with holes. But what caught my attention and I could tell it caught the others as well was a small camera underneath his left eye. The same one behind Taehyung's ear. We all look to the youngest couple to see the boy crying at the knowledge of having found his soulmate. Jungkook looked shocked but I could see his hands shaking uncontrollably. My heart broke seeing the maknaes face what all of us had been dreading since finding love.

"No." Taehyung stated. We all watched as he grabbed Jungkook's hands and held them. "Kook...I love you. You know I do."

" can't deny the marks."

"I will. Because I promised I wouldn't leave you." He embraced his boyfriend. Smiling despite the tears falling down his face.

"As much as I hate to breakup this beautiful scene we need to get him some medicine."

Everyone looked to Jimin holding the boy in his lap. Now that they saw past the mark they could see his flushed cheeks and short breaths. Everyone nodded and put on masks hoping no one will recognize them. If the press were to catch the famous BTS with a passed out male there would be problems. The members silently decided it would be best if Jungkook didn't carry him due to obvious reasons so Jimin was left with the job. They moved him into the van parked nearby before driving to their dorms.

Please god let him pull through.

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