Lonely Figures

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Perhaps it was the wind causing small waves in the water below or how the sun began to set painting the sky with more colors than a rainbow but for the first time in what seemed like forever the world became truly beautiful.

A lone figure stood on the narrow bar watching as the ships pulled into their docks for the night. Lives passing by with no time to notice the life about to end. The time continued to pass as the phone in the mans pocket remained silent much like the rest of the night.

The boy's gaze fell away from the scenery to the phone booth at his feet.

Suicide Prevention Hotline

Three words that prompted a choice. He could pick up the landline and before long the police would arrive to drag him back to his old life of lies and sorrow or he could step off the metal bar into the cold emptiness that is death.

A choice to be made that would forever change his life.

Police cars race past unsuspecting citizens going home from work. A raccoon bolts from the curb startled at the loud sirens leading up to their arrival.

A fallen phone connected to a wire hangs limply from the box. A voice calling out through its connection reaching nothing but the empty night.

"Hello? Hello?...If you're there then I want you to know that the world is beautiful isn't it? Millions of people and yet out of all of them all that matters in this moment between us is you. I may not know you but you help make this world beautiful. All I ask is that you continue to do so even when you doubt it....Hello?"

Sorry this update was so short. I felt this scene would not fit in with the rest and should be its own separate chapter. I'll have the next update out soon!

Gods Mistake (Male Reader x BTS)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя