Cotton Sweaters

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Jimin's POV

Getting the boy inside the dorm proved to be easier than expected due to the increased cover of nightfall. The heat from the boy was enough to make me sweat as his body leaned on mine.

Taehyung and Jungkook refused to look at the boy since leaving the alleyway. I could see the knowledge of who he is weighing heavy on their hearts.

I bring him to my boyfriends and I's shared room setting him on the bed.

"Ill bring some medicine." Yoongi left the two of us as I covered the boy in blankets. As I move his left hand I notice I notice a small tattoo of a ring around his middle finger. The ring brought confusion due to its familiar twin on no other than Namjoon.

I couldn't wrap my head around how it was possible. Two soulmarks is impossible but for both marks to belong to my friends? Impossible.

The sound of clothes hitting the floor snapped Jimin out of his thoughts. Yoongi stood at the door, clothing dropped at his feet.

"Is that?"

I didn't need to know what he was referring to and instead nodded. His boyfriend stepped up to the bed taking the unknown males hand in his.

"It's not possible." Yoongi denied. "Even if it were why Taehyung and Namjoon? Why not Jin and Namjoon or Taehyung and Jungkook? I doesn-"

Suddenly he let go of his hand letting it fall against the bed before reaching to the collar of his turtleneck and pulling it down.

We both choked out a sob seeing our boyfriends lace band tattooed around the boys neck.

"Its a joke!" I cried. "It has to be! Yoongi please! Tell me its a joke!"

I fell into his arms sobbing, pleading for this all to be a dream.

"Jimin? Yoongi? What's wrong?" We turn to see the other bandmates excluding Taehyung standing in the doorway. Hoseok runs up a pulls us in a hug.

"Hoseok." Its Namjoon that speaks up first. "His neck."

I didn't need to look again knowing they had seen the mark around his neck.

"Not only that." The others turned to look at me before I turned to where the other three still stood. "Namjoon. His ring."

Their eyes widened looking to where his hand hung off the bed. From its position they could all see the black outline of the ring. By now Taehyung had appeared in the doorway and now walked to the strangers bedside before tugging his shirt off.

My head swarmed seeing the rose covered in thorns tattooed on his hip. The same rose painted to my thigh. Yoongis arm tightened possessively around my shoulders. Taehyung proceeded to remove his shirt until his arm is visible. There wrapped around his bicep is Jungkook's ankle band.

The marks continue when the boy is moved to the side showing off a tall tree covering his back along the spine. Jin grasp his chest where his mark is.

"Wheres Yoongis?" Hoseok asked.

Said male lifted the blanket before removing the torn socks from his feet. There at the top just below his ankle was a long arrow pointing to his toes.

The group held no conversation but I could tell we were all confused about the phenomenon in front of us.

Seven marks on one boy. Is it even possible?

Taehyung's POV

After the discovery of the marks we all agreed to take turns helping our soulmate. Our soulmate. The fact had yet to settle in. Not only did I fall in love with someone other than my soulmate but we share the same one.

How is this going to work?

I cuddled up to Jungkooks side as Namjoon and Yoongi discussed what to do with the boy.

"What is there to do? He's our soulmate Yoongi."

"It's not possible! They have to be fake."

"Did you see any other mark on him? If he's not all of our soulmates then that means one of our soulmates is a stalker and got the rest tattooed."

"We didn't check under his pants! There could be a mark-"

"He's ours." Everyone in the room turned their attention to me as I spoke up. The words hadn't even processed in my mind but I knew I meant them. "I felt the connection the first time I saw him. Like a string pulling us together. I know Jin felt it too because he led us into the alley."

Yoongi collapsed into his boyfriends arms giving up the argument knowing I'm right. Namjoon sat on the loveseat alone due to Jin watching the boy.

"So what does this mean?" Jimin asked the one thing that's been on all our minds.

"Isn't this a good thing?" I craned my neck to look at Jungkook who had spoken. His arms held me close to his chest from our spot on the couch. I shivered seeing his cold eyes.

"How the fuck is this a good thing?" Yoongi spat at the maknaes. "We found a stranger that just so happens to have all of our marks. Not to mention you have a boyfriend."

Jungkooks grip tightened almost crushing me. His jaw tightened at Yoongi's implied accusation.

"That's exactly what I mean hyung. We all have boyfriends. We had been so concerned about meeting our soulmates and being taken away from each other but now its different. As far as I'm concerned that stranger has both Tae's and my mark. That means we don't need to worry about a couple of strangers trying to split us apart." Realization dawned on Yoongi before blushing hard at his disrespect to the younger.

"In theory that sounds amazing." Namjoon piped in. "However, he has the soulmates of the whole group which means he will be feeling the effects of a soulbond towards all of us and us to him. If we go about this as you imply then we would still be denying the bond and breaking someone's heart."

"Does this mean we all have to be in a relationship? How would sex work?" The tension was broken with Jimin's comment. I'm sure we all had the same expression of horror because he soon shut up blushing brightly, stuffing his face in Hoseok's chest.

"Can you even reach the bed?" I stifled a laugh at the immediate insult towards the older's height. It seemed the others were trying to do the same but Hoseok couldn't hold it in and blatantly started cackling.

"You brat!" I dove out of my boyfriends arms just before he was smacked with a decorative pillow that had been tossed to the ground every time someone occupied the space on the sofa. Soon everyone was laughing as Jimin chased Jungkook around the house attempting to smother him. It seemed the usual display had left everyone relaxing a bit more however I couldn't get the unconscious male out of my head.

Where do we go from here?

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