Porcelain Dishes

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Namjoon's POV

The first dinner went quietly without the usual discussions over the table. It was clear no one knew how to act around the new figure sitting at the corner of the table silently eating.

When they sat down it was clear he didn't know how to use chopsticks but luckily Jin had kept some forks that he gave the struggling boy. I looked around the table seeing most of the group had their attentions turned to Min-Jae with unreadable expressions.

Time continued slowly as they all finished their food. Once everyone finished we all stood to do our own part of cleaning up. It wasn't until I saw our soulmate sitting there watching us awkwardly from his spot that he didn't have anything to do.

"You can help me Min-Jae." I offered and watched as his shoulders drop in relief before following my example of grabbing the plates and cups bringing them to the kitchen.

I turned on the sink and poured some soup into the water letting the bubbles rise. Handing him a towel I got to work scrubbing at the stained dishware.

When we were discussing plates for the apartment Jin had insisted on nice clean white ones despite my attempt of convincing him plastic would be much harder to break. It was even worse of an idea that I would be put in charge of cleaning them.

As I tried removing the plate from the sink to be dried it slipped from my grip. I shut my eyes and braced for the crash that would inevitably lead to a harsh scolding from my boyfriend but instead moments passed and I opened my eyes to see Min-Jae had caught the porcelain moments before it hit the floor. I was silent as I watched him move to dry the dish as if he had not moved faster than thought possible.

"Do you have the next one clean?" It was then I realized he was waiting for me to hand him another plate and quickly cleaned another off. "Hyung? Can you teach me to read?"

I didn't have time to prepare as the bowl crashed back into the sink splashing water over the both of us.

"Ah! Sorry!" I instinctively reached for the paper towels handing one to the boy before taking one for myself. "What were you saying?"

"Can you teach me to read? It's fine if you can't I was just wondering. Jin asked me to read something for him earlier but I couldn't understand anything."

I had been hoping I had only misheard what the boy said and that he really could read. Not many people could get to his age and not be able to read basic Korean.

Is it because of his amnesia?

When I had heard him admit his forgotten memories my first thought was that he would dote on everyone to replace what he lost. Never did I think not only did he forget his past but any skill he had known before.

"I assume everyone has heard of memory loss before?" Mrs.Park's voice rang in my mind. The classroom murmured amongst themselves not paying attention to her questions. Like me most of the students in Psychology were there to fulfil their credits.

"Amnesia is like most disorders, complicated. It's not as simple as forgetting who you are like in movies. Temporary or long term, retrograde and anterograde, procedural and declar-"

"What's procedural?" Of the people in class only a few actually paid attention including one rude senior that found pleasure in interrupting wherever he could with questions.

"Procedural amnesia is when the person forgets how to do tasks they have already learned." Mrs.Park explains. "Things such as riding a bike or tying their shoes."

The class had mainly been for show but I had graduated from it with an A having found the subjects to be interesting. Even so I never expected to meet someone with a memory loss as complicated as his was turning out to be.

Unless it isn't the amnesia.

"I guess." My response sounded as unsure as I felt. "I've never taught someone how to read Korean but I guess I could try?"

"I've already said this to Jin but I can't thank you all enough."

"It's no problem." I body grimaced at the obvious lie. I took a chance and peeked at the boy hoping he hadn't noticed.

"You don't have to lie, I know it must be difficult and I'm not expecting for you to trust me so easily. I can see in everyone's eyes that they are scared I'll suddenly change my mind and take your family apart."

"Will you?"

"These marks mean I'm supposed to understand and accept all of you for who you are. I don't think separating all of you would be very soulmate of me." His voice has a slight tone of amusement yet held no hint of falseness. "Considering all of your reactions I would say its a fair assumption none of us knew each other before whatever happened to lead me to forget, which means we are strangers in every way. Strangers don't force people who are obviously in love with each other apart unless they are truly evil."

My heart stuttered hearing the words of our soulmate. I knew that the maknaes and his puppy of a boyfriend had said the words to each other every minute they had the chance but since confessing our feelings years ago we had only said them twice before. The marks on our skin was a harsh reminder we weren't meant to be together therefore it took years before the words were said.

"I suppose you're right."

Dinner may have been quiet but I could tell my night will be filled with loud thoughts of the ravenette that came bursting into our lives.

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