Inner Thoughts

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Jungkook's POV

"B-be-because you're..!"

"Our soulmate." Namjoon came to Jins rescue recognizing how startled his boyfriend is. "It only makes sense that would be what you want."

From the corner of my eye I could see the others trying to understand why the boy had not demanded we be faithful right then and there.

"Soulmate? Oh! That's the marks right? Is that why this became colorful when Taehyung touched me?"

My mind clouded in shock at how ignorant he is about something our whole society is based around. People don't go their lives without thinking about their marks let alone have seven and not know about anything about them.

"Your soulmarks are guides in a sense. They show you to the person or people in your case that belong with you. That is supposed to love and cherish you no matter what." Namjoon proceeded to explain.

"What does that have to do with me splitting you up?"

"Usually these people fall in love and date. We thought that would be what you want." The room shifted their eyes to the boy as he processed what he had been told. Tae moved closer pressed against my chest. As if natural to the body our breathing evened out to match with each others. We had always believed that our marks had just been a mistake and we were meant to be despite the sense of doom hanging over our heads anytime we'd catch a glimpse of the ink.

"That's stupid." It seemed with those two words the tension in the room left leaving only shock and disbelief.

"Stupid?" I gasped out. "Did you just say the one thing everyone has and believes in is stupid?"

"You said its like a guide to the person who will cherish you but why does that mean you have to date them?" The boy was laughing now. "Does that mean you don't cherish each other? Or your parents? Just because we're marked doesn't mean you can't love anyone else. We're strangers after all."

It was as if his words were a key in our minds. The dread from our long years together remembering one day someone will find their soulmate and be ripped away had taken a toll on us. Now it felt as if most of the weight had lifted from our shoulders helping us breathe easy.

I pulled myself away from Tae sending a reassuring glance over my shoulder before walking up to my, our soulmate.

"Welcome to the family." He reached out to my stretched hand shaking it lightly. We both smiled at the intense burning of our marks letting it subside before splitting apart again.

"So what do we call you?" Now that the mood had shifted everyone was feeling lighter. Hoseok seemed to bounce in his seat much to the obvious annoyance of Yoongi.

"We almost forgot. You don't remember your name." I stated unhelping to the situation. "What do you want to be called until the police call or you remember?"

The room went crazy as the other members began to throw out popular names hoping one of them would sound pleasant to the boy.




"Hyung that's your name."

"And its a good freaking name."

"I know!" The room went silent waiting to hear what name he had chosen. "Min-Jae! Call me Min-Jae."

I couldn't hide my smile at how excited the boy looked now having something to be called. A squeal erupt from the oldest as he pounced on the boy hugging him tightly. I could tell Namjoon wasn't completely comfortable with the attention his boyfriend was giving Min-Jae so I lightly tapped Jin's shoulder throwing him a look. Realizing what he had done he quickly releases the boy letting him breathe from the tight grip.

Though I'm happy seeing what would be the final addition to our crew there was a small part of me that screamed danger when looking into the smiling boys face.

Jin's POV

The day passed smoothly as if our whole world hadn't been invaded. My senses constantly on high alert telling me to keep the intruder away from Namjoon. Yet some part of me was excited meeting the boy on the other side of the mark. A person I had long been taught to hate now smiling brightly and laughing along with people I consider to be family.

My conflicted thoughts carried themselves past lunch and into the dinner hours when I began cooking just as I liked to do in free time.

"Can I help?" The unfamiliar voice caused me to jump and wield the knife I had been using towards the intruder until I realized the source had been the person at the core of my thoughts.

I nodded my head in agreement gesturing to the pile of vegetables yet to be cut. He made his way over to the board staring at it in slight confusion before picking up the sharp tool I had threatened him with only seconds ago.

I watched in slight terror as he attempted to cut the carrot using the wrong side of the knife having seen only one other person attempt to do such a thing. I immediately intervened when he lifted his hand towards the sharp edge to apply more pressure to it. I quickly grabbed his wrist and took the knife from his grasp.

"Watch me." I took the next couple of minutes showing him how to cut food and other hands on tasks. "Can you tell me how much garlic the recipe calls for?"

I gesture to the cookbook sitting on the counter as I return to my task of mixing the sauce. After a few moments of silence I turn around to look at find why I haven't gotten an answer to see him standing over the book in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He doesn't move from his spot so I check over his shoulder pointing out the line I was looking for. "I need two teaspoons of diced garlic."

I ignored the boy before continuing the recipe until it was ready to go in the oven. When the timer counted down I sat on one of the small stools I kept in the kitchen to sit on when I cook.

"Thank you." If I were to say I wasn't surprised at the straightforwardness of the boy I would be lying. Instead I stood there staring at him not understanding what for.

"I couldn't let you hurt yourself on the kn-"

"Not that." I watched as he stood up straighter focusing his eyes on the oven that I had spent a good five minutes explaining to him when asked as I had put the food in to be baked. "For allowing me to stay. I can't thank you enough."

"It was the reasonable thing to do."

"No. It was the brave thing to do considering our positions." He sent me a smile and I felt myself ease just a bit despite knowing nothing had changed regarding our positions.

When the oven beeped signaling the food was done Min-Jae quickly bounded over and attempted to pull it out. My warning came too late and he cried out in pain when his bare hand touched the pan. I quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the sink letting the cold water run over the burn.

"What happened?" Namjoon came running in before running out of the room to what I'm sure is the closet where the first aid kit is kept.

I looked at the burn relieved to see it wasn't deep before realizing that tears were running down his face.

"I'm not here to hurt you hyung."

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