The Wedding

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It is the late afternoon. The sun is almost ready to go to sleep. The very optimistic city is great. The people are happy. Everything is awesome.
It was a big day for a new couple in the city. Their names are Emmet and Lucy. They were getting married. Lucy stood outside with her beautiful white dress. She looked at the large church as Unikitty gathered flowers. Unikitty was going to be the "flower kitty". Lucy shook her head. She was nervous. Unikitty noticed her strange gestures.
"Lucy, are you excited?", she asked happily. Lucy smiled and clutched her bouquet of roses.
"Yes Unikitty. Thank you.", Lucy responded.
Suddenly, the large wooden door opened. Batman opened the door and fixed his tie.
"Lucy. It's time.", he whispered and opened the door for Lucy. Lucy took a very deep breath into the large church and walked the aisle. Unikitty followed after. Unikitty began to happily throw the flowers. Lucy was smiling happily and nervously. She looked at Emmet standing at the alter. He wore a very fancy tuxedo with a rose sticking from one pocket. He smiled as he saw her come in. The audience smiled as the all looked at Lucy's beautiful dress. The photographer shot a few photos of Lucy walking the aisle. Lucy finally reached the alter and stood in front of Emmet. They smiled and thought of the romantic times they had together. Batman got the roses from Lucy so she can hold Emmet's hands. The preist began the mass.
"Welcome as we see the couple, Emmet and Lucy, become a union. Started from two very different people to what we see. Opposites attract, I suppose. Emmet, do you take Lucy as your wife?"
"Of course I do.", Emmet answered happily. He tried not to jump up and down. The preist looked at Lucy.
"Lucy, do you take Emmet as your husband?"
"I do.", Lucy answered. Her cheeks became red with love. She held Emmet's hands tighter.
"I pronounce that Emmet and Lucy, opposites attract, are together and forever. Emmet, you may kiss your bride." The preist slowly closed his book and stepped out of the way. Emmet smiled and finally kissed Lucy. The audience cheered loudly. Unikitty threw flowers at the newly married couple.
"Emmet. He has grown up so fast.", Ghost Vitruvius said as he floated away. Emmet and Lucy let go of each other, held hands, and walked down out of the church to the limosine. The crowd followed behind.
In the limosine, everyone had a disco party while Emmet and Lucy sat in the back where everyone can see them. They held each other tightly and didn't let go.
"Give it up to the new couple!", yelled Benny as he flew around the limosine. He flew next to his girlfriend, Sweet Mayhem, and kissed her cheek. Everyone cheered. Emmet waved to everyone.
"Glad to see you are all happy.", he said. They watched as their geusts ate cake and sang.

As The Sunset Sets(Emmetstyle fanfic💖)Where stories live. Discover now