Don't Drown Friend

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You ever had a weird thing you tell friends before they leave?
Like a friendship sentiment that meant a little more than just bye bitch
Because bye bitch really meant "please get home safe or call me if you have trouble"

I know I do this with my friends
Because I want them to know they are loved
Even if they cannot see it themselves

I wave to my friends and I say "don't drown"
I know that sounds odd and believe me it is
The origins of the saying are lost on me
But the means stay the same
Because though it sounds just like a friendly inside joke
I mean my words whole heartedly

Don't drown friend
Don't literally drown I couldn't handle that and you are driving home so that shouldn't be an issue
But also don't drown yourself in your anxiety
I already do the same but this is about you not me
Don't drown yourself in your stress
I selfishly miss your smile

Don't drown friend
Because drowning means you are losing the ability to breathe in oxygen, and replacing it with water
Your lungs deflating just as your words become di-hydrogen monoxide
Not unlike my I love you before you left

Don't drown friend
I need you here
Because some of us are already too far gone
The waves beating down day after day
As our lungs fill to the top with water
Drowning day in and out

I don't want that for you friend
Make it home safe
Be happy

Don't drown friend
Do it for me

Don't drown friend
Do it because I can't

Don't drown friend
You are more amazing than you see

Don't drown friend
You and a billion stars don't even compare because your brilliance outshines them all

Don't drown friend
Because I said so and I love you with my full heart and waterboarded lungs

Don't drown friend
Your existence is like my life jacket in my rough seas where I can finally catch a quick breathe
Before the waves crash again

Sometimes a goodbye means more than that
And sometimes a don't drown
Really means I love you friend

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