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A gentle hum stirred you from your slumber. Fingers tangling and caressing your (h/c) locks. The rhythmic beat of your partner's heart beat, keeping you at ease.

"I've got all my love to give....and I'll survive...I will survive."

His soft accent singing, just barely a whisper. Enough for your waking self to listen to, and become curious. Shifting slight in his warm grasp, nuzzling into the crook of the male's neck. Blonde hair tickling your rosy cheeks and nose.

"Are you...singing Gloria Gaynor....?" You asked quietly, eyes still refusing to open. A laugh came from his chest.
"I might be, sorry if I woke you."

"No-no...I don't mind-you sing well."

"Thank you Love"

You nodded your head, arms squeezing his large frame. Basking in the warmth he radiated. Enjoying the time you spent lounging in bed together. Not a care of the world.

It was the month before Foxhound was going to Shadow Moses, you yourself were becoming anxious. Dreading this mission, what if everything went wrong? Eli knew how much that mind of yours was cluttered in worry, your anxiety taking over if he didn't have you distracted with something.

It seemed that he was trying to squeeze as much time with you in each day, practically never leaving your side. You were thankful...but the back of that dreadful mind of yours kept saying

'This will be the last time you see him'

'He's going to die...'

'You'll never see him again...'

It make you sick, your (s/c) turning paler by the thought. The night terrors that you overcame returned. Causing Eli to lose sleep. Wanting to make sure you were content and felt secure before he slept.

Guilt filled your heart, bags began to form under his gorgeous eyes. He didn't care though-he poured all his attention on you, like you did him during his Great Depression.

So many days had passed when Eli was in that dark place...constantly fighting with him, reassure you that he was more than his genetic code. More that a clone. He'd always denied it, his self esteem non-existent. It scared you when he blurted out how he wanted to die.

You refused to leave his side then, following the blonde everywhere and anywhere you could. Though it annoyed him at first, he realized...he couldn't leave you alone. You meant to much to him, you gave him purpose. Now he wanted to show you how much you meant to him. He stayed awake with you, made you chamomile tea to ease that frantic mind, showered you in cuddles and snuggles. Anything he could do until you fell asleep.

Now his thing was singing you to sleep, personally serenading those ears, while you slept against his frame. Secured in those strong arms.


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