Chapter one

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It was November 16, 1987. It was around 9pm. The streets were calm and quiet. A black van was driving through the night. In this van, were the members of the famous British rock band, Queen. Brian May was driving, Freddie Mercury was in the passenger seat, and Roger Taylor and John Deacon were in the back.

The band were returning to their hotel rooms after a gig that day. The band was rather tired, with Freddie being the most tired of them. It had been seven months since the man was diagnosed with AIDS. And it was clear to his band mates that he wasn't doing well. But Freddie, being Freddie, ignored the pain and simply said that the show must go on.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" Freddie asked. "Simple. We rest." Roger said. "Oh come on darlings! We must simply do something!" Freddie said. "Fred, What part of rest do you not get?" Brian asked. "I agree with Brian." John said. "You to, Deacky? You to?" Freddie asked with fake betrayal. The rest of the band laughed. "Okay fine. But the day afterwards, we must do something!" Freddie said. "Okay. Okay. We'll do something." Brian said.

That was when they all noticed something odd. It first looked like a small speck. "What the devil..." Brian muttered. That was when the speck became bigger, and then it turned into a vortex. And they were going straight towards it! "Ahh!! Brain!! Brake!!" John screamed. Brian slammed on the break, but it was too late. They were going though the portal. The band screamed in terror and then: they blacked out.


Brian was the first to wake up. He groaned and rubbed his head. He probably hit his head with the wheel. Brian looked around to see that Freddie, Roger, And John were okay, just unconscious. He sighed in relief and ran a hand through his hair. He looked out to see what was out there. Wait a minute. They weren't here beforehand. This is some other place. Brian looked to the right to see an theater. It looked abandoned judging by how it looked by the outside. On the top, it read : The Odyssey. "Must be the name of the place." He muttered. The man then looked at the gas tank. It was empty.

Brian groaned and slumped back into his seat. "Great. Just perfect. We have no clue where we are, and there is no gas!" Brian complained. He looked at the theater again and gave out another sigh. "Might as well see if there's anyone there." Brian got out of the car, much to his body's pain. "Hello." A random voice said, startling the guitarist. Brian turned around to see a short Slavic woman dully looking at him. She had brown grayish hair and jade colored eyes. She wore a marrón shirt, blue overalls, brown boots, and had goggles perched up on her head. "Hello. May help you out with something, ma'm?" Brian asked.

"Noticed your car out of theater. I came to check." The woman said. "Ah." Brian said. "Hang on." The woman said, her eyes narrowing at Brian. "I've seen you somewhere." She said. "You have?" Brian asked. Of course, she had seen him from tv or from as show! "You Brian May, correct?" She asked. The man nodded. "Okay. Strange question time. Did car go through portal?" She asked. Brian's eyes widened. "How did you-" "I'm the one who opened it." The woman said. Brian looked at the woman. "Was there a reason why you did that?" He asked. "No. Pure accident. Welcome to year 2017." She said. "Oh, well thank- wait, what?! What do you mean the year 2017?!" "Haven't you figured it out yet? You and friends time traveled into different universe." The woman said.

A shocked Brian leaned back against the car. "Time travel. Different universe. Holy crap, Doc Brown was right." He said. "Oh yes. Met him, good fellow." The woman said. Brian raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean Christoper Lloyd?" Brian asked. "No. I mean Doc Brown. Different universe, remember?" "Right." Brian said. The woman smiled, at least Brian thought she did. "You must be tired from time traveling. You need rest." She said. "I know. Got any clue where?" He asked. "Here." The woman said. "You live in the theater?" Brian asked. "Want shelter or not?" The woman asked. "Okay, Okay! Geez, we'll take the theater!" Brian said.

With that, the woman whistled. Seconds later, a brown grizzly bear showed up. "Ah!" Brian yelled, backing away from the bear. "Relax. Karen the bear won't hurt you." The woman said. "O-okay, then. Just make sure she doesn't eat my friends." Brian said. "Will do." The woman said. After about twenty minutes, the luggage, the instruments, and the rest of the band were loaded off and inside the theater. "Make yourself comfortable." The woman said. "Thank you, um..." "The names Phillis." She said. "Thank you, Phillis." Brian said.

He then noticed an odd looking contraption. The movie screen was a triangle instead of a square, and below it was some strange platform. "Say Phillis. What's this?" Brian asked. "Oh that. That's Multiverse Transporter Projector." Phillis said. "Wait. What?" "You See, Brian, the multiverse is not to be out of balance. That's why we have three part time heroes to keep it like that." "Really?" He asked. "Yes." "What happens when the heroes lose?" Brian asked. "Then multiverses is out of balance and we are all doomed." She said. Brian let out a low whistle. "Dang." He said.

"Anyways, you need rest." Phillis said. "Right." Brian said. Phillis led Brian to two rooms, while Karen the bear dragged Freddie, Roger, And John with her. "Here you go." She said. It was a quaint room. It had two beds, and a couple of other stuff. "This will do." Brian said, grabbing John and dragging him to a bed. "How come you take John?" Phillis asked. "Because Freddie snores, and Roger sometimes sings 'I'm in love with my car' in his sleep. John does nothing." Brian said. "Okay then." She said.

"See you in the morning." Brian said. "Okay. Come on, Karen." Phillis said. They left, Karen dragging Freddie and Roger with her. Brian closed the door and dropped his and John's stuff. He looked over to John, who was sleeping peacefully. Brian smiled and draped a blanket over the sleeping bassist. He then grabbed a blanket of his own and collapsed on the bed. He was so tired that he didn't even want to change out of his clothes. "Tomorrow another day, Brian. Tomorrow's another day." Brian said to himself, and drifted to sleep.

He wasn't aware that the next few weeks were going to be absolutely crazy. Especially once he meets a certain trio the following day.

Back In Time( A Queen/ Penn Zero: Part Time Hero Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now