Chapter ten

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It has been a few days ever since Penn and his friend met Queen and the Beatles. Over the time, they all eventually got to know each other. Of course, Freddie had told the Beatles that he had AIDS, and they were saddened that they were going to lose their friend in a few years. And of course, Penn and his friends had the same feeling regarding the front man's condition. As he and his friends were racing to the Odyssey, Penn thought back to his thoughts of the two bands.

Freddie eventually overheard of the redhead's singing and decided to give him a few lessons there and there. He was also sometimes over dramatic that it was quite amusing from time to time. But he was also a caring and nice person for the trio. Brian had helped the boy with some complicated math homework on occasions and he was proven to be the smartest of Queen. He was also nice and caring for Penn and his friends, and also had to act like the mom of the Queen. Roger was the more silly, energetic person and an excellent drummer. Sure, he and Freddie got into a few quarrels, and could get angry way too easy sometimes, but he was sill a nice person. Deaky was the shy guy of Queen. Upon hearing that the redhead played the bass, he gave the boy a few lessons to improve along with Paul. And of course, he cared for them.

Penn was surprised to hear that John was a pacifist before he joined on beating Rippen. He explained that he broke the code because he cared for him and his friends. And though he did help beat up Rippen, John still promoted to give peace a chance. Paul was the guys who you would want to go to for fashion advice. Heck, he even suggested to Sashi to maybe cut her hair, which the girl said she would think about it. He also gave Penn bass lessons along with Deaky. George was the food guy. He would cook food for the both bands and sometimes made treats for the trio, and they were actually very good. And George even made some treats without sugar, just especially for Sashi. So, he knew his audience. And lastly, there was Ringo. He was the more reserved guy of the Beatles. But he was a chill person to hang out with. He was shown to be another excellent drummer and even once had a drum off with Roger the day before today. He would also have to stop a few arguments from John and Paul, so he acted as the Beatles peacekeeper.

Penn snapped out of his thoughts as he realized that he was in the lead. A smile appeared on his face. "And the champion of this is still..." He announced loudly before actually crashing into the door, which didn't open. He fell to the ground, followed by Sashi, then followed by Boone. Penn looked up and saw that Sashi had accidentally fallen on top of him and their faces were centimeters apart. Both teens blushed and got up from the floor. "Okay. Besides a painful collision, I am still the champion." Penn said. "It's not about winning. It's about what you can steal from your opponent when they win!" Boone said, pulling out a cupcake from the redhead's backpack. "Come on man. I was saving that." Penn said as his friend ate the cupcake. "Here. You can have my tuna." Boone said. "Eh. No thank you." The redhead said.

"Power is out, no mission." Phillis said, the bands following her outside. "Ahh. Such. Wonderful day today." Freddie said. "Here come the sun, dodo do." George said with a smile. "Who wants my extra chocolate cupcake?" He asked. "Me!" Penn said and began to devour said cupcake. Everyone looked at him. Penn swallowed. "Hehe. Sorry. Just really like chocolate." The redhead said with his cheeks blushing from embarrassment. "No problem lad." John said. They all then saw Rippen and Larry crash into the door of their workplace as well. "No power. No mission." Phil said. "A shame Rippen. We would've beaten you today like any other day." Penn said with a smirk. "Oh shut up." Rippen said, backing away every so slightly. Penn turned around and saw Queen and the Beatles giving the part time villain a menacing glare.

"Hey! How about we all go to my house!" Larry suggested. "No." Everyone said. "We have to keep on recording 'The Miracle' album." Freddie said. "Oh. Okay. Just it will be like me Halloween party. And my Christmas party. And my Harbor Day Party." Larry said in sadness. Brian rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the others, who all looked a bit guilty for saying no. Larry's eyes teared up. Penn looked at his friends and gave them a look. The musicians looked at each other. "How bad Can it really be?" Ringo asked. Sashi and Boone sighed in defeat. "Fine." They say. "Everyone In the van!" John said.

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