Chapter eight

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Sashi slowly opened her eyes and let out a groan.

He vision became less blurry and she saw that she was in Penn's room. "Oh yeah. He found me in the bathroom." She thought. Sashi sat up on the bed. Only to have a migraine form in her head. Sashi let out a tiny groan. That was when the door opened. Penn entered the room, now wearing his usual attire. He had a glass of water in one hand, and a box of pills in the other. "Hey, Sash. How ya doing?" He asked softly. "More of the less. What time is it?" She asked. "Almost 7am." Penn said. He sat in the end of the bed in front of her. "Here. This should help you out. Just be sure to take only three." He said, handing over the pills. Sashi nodded and grabbed the glass of water.

She popped the three pills in her mouth. She took a swig of water and swallowed all three pills. She gave a sigh. "Well, I should get ready." Sashi said, getting out of bed, only for Penn to stop her. "Woah. You're not going anywhere. You are staying here." He said, gently pushing back on his bed. "But-" "No buts. The band and the others will come over to take care of you. I'll come back after school to see if you're up for a mission. Okay?" Penn asked. "What about my parents?" "Don't worry. I called them and they said that it's okay for you to stay here since apparently they and your brother went to Vegas without you." He said, raising an eyebrow, wondering why they would do that.

Sashi sighed. "Well, my brother." Sashi began before being interrupted by Penn. "Probably did some amazing scientific thing. I get it." He said with a small smile. Then, he did the most unexpected thing: he kissed her on the forehead. Sashi blushed. He stood up. "I'll be back. The others and my aunt and uncle are downstairs if you need anything." Penn said. She nodded. "Now, if you excuse me. I must go to the broad education we know as hell." He said, eating a chuckle from the girl. "See you later." He said. "See ya." Sashi said.

Penn closed the door a bit and went downstairs. "Need a ride?" Roger asked the redhead. Penn nodded. He, Roger, Freddie, and Brian went to the car, while John, Mary, and Jim stayed behind to take care of Sashi. Brian took the driver seat, Penn the passenger seat, and Freddie and Roger in the back. The guitarist began to drive to the redhead's school, who had gotten directions from this thing called the internet. "Boys. This is to silent. Someone, turn on the radio." Freddie said. "Okay." Penn said, turning on the radio.

Then, a familiar piano bit began to play. "Oh shit! Bohemian Rhapsody!" Roger said. Penn perked up a bit. That the song he did yesterday while the others were away. "I see a little silhouetto of a man." Freddie began. "Scaramouch, scaramouch. Will you do the fandango??" Roger and Brian sang. Penn just listened to the three sing along, surprised that the opera was actually good. He had a smile on his face. "Beelzebub has the devil put aside for me." The three men sang. Roger hit Penn in the arm, as if to say to join along. Penn's shrugged his shoulders. "For me!" They sang, this time with Penn singing along as well. "For me!!!!!" They all sang with their voices going high pitched.

Then, rock n roll music began to play, and all four began to bang their heads to the music. "Do you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?! So you think you can love me and leave me to die?! Ohhh, baby! Can't do this to me baby! Just gotta get out! Just gotta get out of here." The radio yelled out Freddie's voice. The redhead had to admit, this was one heck of a song. And according to Roger, this was from the 70s! He could hardly believe it! "Surprised that you're into this." Roger said. "Well, I actually listen to basically everything. Except the rap of music of today. It sucks ass." Penn said. The three men laughed at his comment.

They eventually reached the school. "Well. Good luck in hell." Freddie said. "Now Freddie. High school was not that bad." Brian began. Roger And Freddie gave him a look. "It was worse than hell." The guitarist finished. "Hehe. Nice one." Freddie said. "Okay. Have fun, be responsible, don't do drugs, and don't get any fights." Roger said, patting Penn's shoulder. "Thanks. Take care of Sashi, eh?" He asked. "Don't worry. We'll take very good care of your girlfriend." Brian said. Penn blushed furiously. "She's not my girlfriend!" He said. "Sure. Okay, see you later, darling." Freddie said. "See ya." Penn said, getting of the car. The redhead saw the van drive off into the distance. Penn walked over the The school and met up with Boone. "Where's Sashi?" The portly boy asked. "She's not doing well. So, the band and the others are taking care of her." Penn explained. Boone nodded.

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