Chapter five

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"M-Mary?" Freddie asked.

"Freddie?" Mary asked.

Silence fills the air. Mary then hugged Freddie tight. "Oh god! Freddie! I was looking for you and the others. Everyone is!" Mary said. Freddie chuckled and hugged the girl back. "Don't worry darling. We okay." He said. Mary then sees the rest of the band. "Guys!" She said,  walking inside the theater, embracing the other three. "Mary! Nice to see you!" Brian said. "We've missed you." Roger said. "So have I." Mary said. "How's the family doing?" John asked the blonde. "Oh they're alright." She said. Mary then noticed the trio. "And who are these children?" She asked.

"Right. Mary, dear. These are Penn Zero, Sashi Kobayashi, and Boone Wiseman. They are new good friends of ours. Tiny children, this is Mary Austin, she's a good friend of mine. We go way back." Freddie said, giving Mary a smirk. "Nice to meet you all." Mary said, shaking the trio hands. "Same to you, Mary." Sashi said. "Again? Tiny children?" Penn asked. "Don't question it." Roger said. "Hey. Where's Phillis?" John asked. "Right here." Phillis said, popping out of nowhere. Mary jumped in surprise, while the band didn't, on account that they got used to it. "Sorry Mary. Our boss tends to do that a lot." Penn said. "No problem." She said. She walked over to Phillis. "Hello, I'm Mary Austin, and-" "You are ex-fiancé and best friend of Freddie Mercury? Yes. I know that." Phillis said.

Mary looked shocked. "How did you knew that?" She asked. "Phillis know all, Mary." Brian said. "Also, don't worry. Karen the bear won't hurt you." The woman said. Mary raised an eyebrow, but eventually noticed the bear. She yelped and jumped into Freddie's arms. "Relax, darling. If it didn't eat us, it won't eat you." He said with a slight chuckle. "Okay." Mary said, getting out of Freddie's arms. "Um. Ms. Mary. I have a question." Boone said. "What is it? And just call me Mary, dear." She said. "How did you get here?" The portly boy asked.

"Actually, I was going to ask you that. Mary, how in the world did you end up here?" Freddie asked. "I don't know. I was driving around looking for you guys, when out of nowhere-" "You drove through a weird looking vortex?" John asked. "Yes. How did you knew that?" "The same thing happened to us." Roger said. "Okay then. I blacked out and when I woke up a few minutes ago, I saw I wasn't in London anymore. I noticed the theater and decided to give it a try." Mary concluded. "Where are We, by the way?" She asked. "We're in a town called Middleburg in the State of Colorado." Brian said. "We're in the USA?" Mary asked. The band and the trio nodded. "Okay. Why are all of you in a abandoned theater?" She asked. The others looked at each other. Roger then pushed Freddie. "Okay. Take a seat Mary. You're gonna need it."

So, after about 30 minutes, Freddie explained Mary everything. About what happened to them, the fact that they time traveled into a different universe, about the Multiverse, and about how the trio protect it as their job. In the end, Mary had an incredibly shocked face. "Jesus Christ." She muttered. "We know." The band said. "Okay? How do we get home?" Mary asked. "Don't worry. Working on it." Phillis said. "Actually, I am wondering how that vortex opened." Penn said. "Yeah. How did it open?" Sashi asked. "Probably part time villains boss, Phil." Phillis said. "Probably." Brian said.

"Great. Cause we need to go home. The whole world is going nuts over your disappearance." Mary said. "Really?" Freddie asked. She nodded.

"Well, you three should get going home." John said to the trio. "Okay. See you guys tomorrow." Sashi said. They walked out the theater. Once they left, Mary asked something. "Say, are Penn and Sashi dating?" "Nope. But the boy has a crush on her." Freddie said. "Don't tell him we said that." Brian said. Mary nodded. "I will set up extra room." Phillis said. "Thank you." Mary said. "Well, we'll leave you two alone." Brian said, pulling John and Roger with him. The only ones left in the room are Freddie and Mary.

Freddie looked at Mary. He knew that he had to tell her. Mary supported him when he came out to her as bisexual, and he thought that she could do the same here. And Freddie was betting that Penn was telling Sashi and Boone as of right now. "Mary. I have to tell you something." Freddie said, his voice serious. "What is it?" Mary asked in concern. Freddie took a deep breath. "Mary. I have AIDS." He said simply. There was no other way to tell her. He had to do it straight to the point. Freddie saw Mary's eyes widen. "Oh Freddie. I'm so sorry." She said.

"Who else knows?" Mary asked. "The band, those kids, and now you." He said. "Your family doesn't even know?" Freddie nodded. "Oh." Mary said. "But let me tell you something darling. I may not be here alive in a few years, but I'm not down just yet. I will keep doing what I love till the day I die. The show must go on, Mary. And even though we're not together anymore, I will always love you. And you will always be my best friend. I just ask you to not tell anyone just yet." Freddie said. Mary, with tears in her eyes, nodded her head. The man smiled and wiped off her tears. "Come on now. Don't cry." He said. "Hehe. Okay." Mary said. "You know, glade that you told me." She said with a smile. "Same here." He said, hugging her. Mary smiled and returned the hug.

What they didn't know was that Brian, John, Roger, And Phillis were watching from the other room. "Good to see that they're okay." John said. "Yes. Very satisfying." Phillis said. "We should let them be." Brian said. The others nodded and went of, leaving the 2 friends in the room.

Author Note: Yeah, Yeah, it's not historically accurate. I know that in actuality, Mary didn't know about Freddie's condition till the very end of his life. But, this is my story, and it's not meant to historically accurate.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye!!!!!!!!

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