Chapter Seven

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"Why the hell did I agree to come to this party?" He thought.

Penn was at the party in Alex's house. And he regretted attending. The punch was of course spiked, and everyone drank it. There were people making out and some were going into bedrooms, since the Alex owned a very large house and there were also people rushing to the bathroom to puke their guts out. Penn looked over at Boone, who was talking to a girl. He cracked up a smile, happy for his friend. But besides that, he wasn't having a good time. The redhead sat on a couch, using his phone. Of course, there were a couple of girls that tried to hit in him, but Penn easily spotted that they were drunk. So, he politely declined all of them. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Sashi was here as well, then he wouldn't have come at all.

Wait a minute.

"Oh no." Penn said, getting up from the couch. He had to find her, to see if she was alright. After all, she was the reason Penn was there. The redhead began to walk around the house. He eventually found Boone and the girl still talking. "Hey Boone. Have you seen Sashi anywhere?" He asked over the loud music. "Yeah. I think I saw her go upstairs. She was running though." Boone said. Penn nodded and thanked his friend before rushing off to the stairs. He had an idea for what probably happened to her.

The redhead walked over to the closest bathroom and pressed his ear against the door. He heard muffled crying and barfing from the other side. Ever so gently, he opened the door to see that it was Sashi. Closing the door, Penn immediately went to Sashi's side. The poor thing was throwing up and had tears going down her cheeks. "Hey. It's okay, I'm right here." Penn said, wrapping his arms around the girl. She looked up to see the redhead. "Penn?" She asked. "Yeah. It's me." He said.

Sashi then threw up in the toilet once again. One of his hands was holding her hair up, while the other rubbed her back. "Let it out, Sash. Let it all out." He said gently. A few minutes later, she was done. The redhead pulled her closer to him, feeling her head against his chest. "Shh. It's okay. I'm right here." He said, hugging her. "I'm feel so stupid." Sashi said. "You're not stupid." Penn said. "Penn?" "Yes Sashi?" He asked. "Can you take me home?" She asked. "Of course." He said, smiling at her.

Shrugging off the leather jacket he was wearing, he wrapped it around Sashi's body. "Here, It might be cold outside." Penn said. "Thank you." Sashi said. "Are your parents home?" He asked. She shook her head. "They had some school thing with my brother tonight." Penn stayed silent for a second. "Okay then. We're going to my house. That sound good?" He asked. Sashi nodded. "Okay then. Think you'll be okay from here?" "Yeah. I should be fine." She said. With that in mind, Penn took out his phone and dialed his house phone. Seconds later, it picked up.

"Hello?" It was Freddie.

"Freddie? Thank goodness. Look, I need someone to pick me and Sashi up from the party. Now." Penn said.


Freddie wasn't going to lie about the fact that he was bit worried when Penn called to pick him and Sashi immediately. Granted, he only knew them for a day, but he knew that they were good kids and he really didn't want them to get in trouble.

Jim decided to go with Freddie and gave his boyfriend the directions to the party, since Penn gave them the address. "Okay. Take a left to main St. and we'll be there." Jim said. "Okay." Freddie said. "Look, I'm sure they're fine. Whatever happened can't be that bad." Jim said, trying to calm down Freddie. "I don't know, Jimbo. Something tells me that something bad happened." He said. "Maybe." Jim said.

Freddie turned to the left and entered Main St. He drove the van to the house and parked right in front of the house. There, the two men saw Penn and Sashi sitting on the porch. The two teens got up, well, only Penn did. The redhead placed Sashi's arm across his shoulders and basically carried her to the car. Worried, both Freddie and Jim got off the car, and rushed over to them. "What happened?" Jim asked. "Apparently, Sashi here had too much spiked punch. But she'll be fine." Penn explained. "Come on. Get her in the car." Freddie said.

Penn and Sashi climbed into the back, while Freddie and Jim went to the front. They drove of, away from the party. "So. What should we do?" Jim asked. "Well, her parents aren't home. So, we take her to my place." Penn said. Freddie nodded. "So. What happened?" He asked. "I don't know. Something was just telling me that something happened to Sashi. I asked Boone and he said that he saw her go to a bathroom upstairs. So, went over there and found her." Penn said. "Hmm. Kind of like Spider-Man's sipdey sense." Jim said.

They eventually reached Penn's house. Freddie and Jim explained that they and the rest is the band and Mary were still hanging at his house. Upon entering, Freddie, Jim, and Penn were bombarded with questions from everyone. Sashi had fallen asleep on the way, so Penn had to carry her. Freddie managed to calm everyone down and Penn walked over to his room. He placed Sashi on his bed and tucked her in. The redhead gave her as gentle kiss on the cheek. "Night, Sash." He whispered and gently closed the door.

Going downstairs, he heard Jim finishing telling everybody else of what happened. He walked over to them. "Is she asleep?" John asked. Penn nodded. Brian walked up to him. "You know. What you did was probably one of the nicest things that anyone has done for her." He said with a small smile. "You really love her, do you darling?" Freddie asked. "More than anything." Penn said. "That poor thing. She must've been so frightened." Mary said. "Well, at least you did the right thing and called us." Roger said.

"You should get some sleep." John said. Penn nodded. "See you all in the morning." He said as he saw the band, Mary and Jim leave. "See you later." Roger said, and closed the door. Penn sighed and flopped down on the couch. He grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around himself. He fell asleep and he only thing he could think of that night was asking Sashi our on a date.


"Say Brian." Roger began a they all drove to the Odyssey.

"Yes?" The brunette guitarist asked. "Wanna make a bet?" Roger asked. "What would that be?" "If Penn and Sashi become a couple before we leave, I will give you $50." The blonde drummer said. "And if they become a couple after we leave, I owe you $50?" Brian asked. Roger nodded. Brian smiles a bit. "Okay. Deal." He said, shaking Roger's hand.

The game has begun.

Author Note: So, which side are you on?

#TeamBrian or #TeamRoger ?

See you all in the next chapter!

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