Chapter eleven

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"Paul. You have to tell Freddie." Penn whispered to the bass player. "I can't! He'll be pissed! This is his ex after all." Paul whispered back. "Well, you can't keep this for yourself! You better tell home before he... well, you know. Bites the dust." Penn argued. Paul sighed. Fine." He said. Paul then turned to get Freddie's attention. "Hey mate. Can I talk to you in private for a second?" He asked. Freddie nods and they both leave the room. "What's that all about?" Rippen asked. Penn shrugged his shoulders. He definitely wasn't going to tell Rippen.

About three minutes later, Freddie and Paul came back, both laughing. "Guess he forgave you, eh?" Penn whispered. "Yeah." Paul whispered back. "Well Larry, Thank you for the lovely lunch." John said, leaning against his chair. "But It's about time we get these kids home." Brian said, he and his friends standing up. Suddenly, the door bursted open to reveal a frantic looking Fredrick. "I'm afraid that I have some dire news." He said. "Fredrick! This is no place for a butler's butler." Matthews scolded, following the man.

"What is it now?" Ringo asked. "Did World War 3 start?" Roger asked. "Another national tragedy?" Deacy asked. (I just realized that I was spelling Deacy wrong the whole time and I apologize.) "A famous TV show is ending?" George asked. "Another celebrity death?" Penn asked. "No. Master Tony is missing!" Matthews cried. "The elephant?" Rippen asked. "What elephant?" Freddie asked for the group. "This one." Larry said, handing the frontman a photo of the elephant. The trio, Beatles and Queen huddled around to see the photo. "That is... pretty adorable and cute." Brian said. "Yeah. Took the words out of my mouth." Sashi said, causing her now boyfriend to smirk. "Huh. Never thought you called thing adorable and cute." Penn said, causing his now girlfriend to elbow him.

"Okay! We mustard a pack that finding Tony is our top priority." Larry said, taking Rippen's and John's hands. Everyone looked at him. "Uh. I'll throw in $25 dollars of Larry merch." Larry said. "Larry merch?" They asked. "He has his own gift shop here." Rippen said. "You've been here before, huh?" Freddie asked. The man nodded. "Now why would I want valueless money?" Rippen asked. "I agree. What the point without having a real prize?" Roger said. "Roger. We are nice people. We are helping this man." Freddie said. "Also, is Rippy afraid of a little competition?" Penn asked with a smirk. "On the contrary. Rippen welcomes competition." Rippen said with gritted teeth. "Now, Hang on. We are not having some ludicrous competition about this. Let's just find the elephant and go home." Brian said.

"Excuse me for the interruption. But there are two guests who are here to see the two bands." Fredrick said. "Who the heck would that be?" John asked. Two people then came up behind the butler's butler. One was a girl with beautiful brown hair and brown eyes. The other was a man with black hair and looked to be African American. Both Queen and the Beatles were shocked. "Holy shit." George said. The two people looked shocked as well. "It can't be." John began. "It is. Karen Carpenter." Freddie said. "Queen." The girl, Karen said. "Karen." Paul said. "Beatles." She said. "Prince." Freddie said. "Queen." The boy, Prince said. "Prince." Ringo said. "Beatles." Prince said. The room was deadly silent. Penn gave his girlfriend and best friend a 'wtf' look. Sashi and Boone returned the look.

Still silent....

Still silent....

Finally, Freddie broke the silence as he extended his arms for a hug. "Are you two gonna hug us or not?" He asked with a sly smirk. Both Karen and Prince laughed as they walked over and hugged Freddie. Soon, the rest of Queen and the Beatles came over and hugged the two newcomers. While that was happening, Penn, Sashi, Boone, Rippen, and Larry just sat there in silence and awkwardness. "It's so good to see you two children again." John said. "Oh come on. Just because we're both in our early 30s, that doesn't make us children." Prince said. "We don't care." Roger said. (Oh god. I'm turning this into the Avengers with 70s and 80s music legends😂😂😂)

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