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         The stupid hunks of metal that stare lifelessly into my soul everyday of my life began mopping up the water we left behind from our event this morning.

        "You good?" S5 said under her breath as she stared at me with concerned eyes.

         "Never better," I said rolling my eyes because that is the exact opposite of what I felt. I felt like screaming "Good no! I just had the love of my life wrestle a kid on top of my glass of water. Yes that is how my day is going more than good, great, fantastic, and never before better in my useless life," but we wouldn't want to cause a scene know would we.

        "What is your schedule this week?" S5 attempted to change the subject knowing the bots had surveillance cameras sticking inside their glass "eyes".

       " I have Biology with bot 7892, then English with Mrs. Smithson , Outside world edict with Mr. Jacksner, and we end the day with Government taught by Mr. Fraywin," I say shrug trying not to think about his deep blue-green eyes.

     " You have a crush on the teacher," S5 said confident in her assumption.

      "Mr. Jacksner is like 85! Gross I have not given up that much hope in my education," I whisper trying to make S5 forget what she had just said.

     " Hush! You know who I am talking about?" S5 said trying to let my bluntness take me over so I would admit my crush on a guy that I had just met.

    It took over "He is cute," I say as blunt as possible. "I don't have a crush on the dude he just has a good face."

    " Ok I will take it," S5 said proud that she was able to push my buttons to make me admit something that was already pretty out in the open. She began walking to put her tray up and I followed.

    " Dang it! We have no classes together," she exclaimed more angrily than expected.

     Before I could give an annoying comeback I realized who was putting his tray up in front of us. 77435! He turned around and bumped right into me catching me as I began to fall.

   "Woah I gotcha," he said as if I was some sort of horse he was trying to calm down.

"Thanks," I said pushing a strand of my red hair behind my ear knowing I was blushing.

  "Hey you're  the girl I slammed 77455 into," he said almost boasting " Sorry about that by the way."

   "Thanks for apologizing," I said way more girly than usual. I stared at the ground then my eyes shot right back to his chocolate ones when he started again.

  " No I really am and I should not have just walked away. I am 77435 by the way."

  " I am 77132 and this is S I mean... 77135," I stammered trying to remember S5's number.

   " Cool see you guys around I don't want to get a shock before I get to class," he said pointing to his wrist and walking away slowly.

I my red cheeks began to soften to their normal light pink when I noticed S5 was staring at me. "You are boy crazy and super desperate. You where crushing on him since forever and now dream teacher comes in and now your back to him," S5 rolled her eyes.

  " First of all I never liked 'dream teacher' second of all I am not boy crazy or desperate and third of all I like 77435 and said Colin was cute BIG difference."

   "I don't see the difference," S5 mumbled as she headed towards the doors of the lunch room. We heard the silent click of the door allowing us to room the halls.

  "Name the thing you find cute about Colin and name the thing you like about 77435," S5 said out of the blue.

  " Um I like 77435's confidence and his smile," I said softly imagining him when I almost fell and realizing how cheesy I am.

   "Colin," she said.

   " He has blue-green eyes... they are beautiful," I said softly.

    "And here we have it ladies and gentlemen!!! A LOVE TRIANGLE!" S5 said being annoyingly loud. I just rolled my eyes and giggled. I actually believed her for a second until I realized the one problem... neither even know I exist. This is the one problem with over excited and optimistic friends although they never leave you and make life brighter they make you forget when you leave your little bubble there is still a reality that is just waiting for the opportunity to destroy all the things you love dear.


                                                            HEY GUYS!!!

So I have been having crazy writers block and I know this chapter is pretty cheesy but I promise there is more action to come. I am so glad that you guys are reading this I am just not getting much feedback and would love to know if y'all actually like it. So if you don't mind voting on it and leaving any comments (plz no hate but constructive criticism is welcome) just let me know any opinions and what you guys want from this. More romance, comedy, or sci fi. I am trying to merge them all and if you have a preference let me know. OKAY BYEEEEEEEEE..........

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