7 0 0

S5 popped her head in the door and we all breathed a sigh of relief. Her blue eyes simmered slightly due to the dull lights over head and the fear that hid behind the girl that possessed them. I noticed this fear among all of us even Colin. For the first time during the few hours I have known him I have never seen true fear in his eyes. When he saw all of the red lights the dead bots in the hallway it seemed natural to him. He had already told me that he has done this before so I know he has experience, but for the first time something is foreign to him. He was uneasy as he turned toward the mini hallway that was lined with files of information from the first person to be sent here to the freshest five year old. For the first time Colin was unsure of something he was doing for the first time he dropped the heroic act and became his past self that cowered behind who ever assisted him in his escape merely a year ago.

We now stood in front of yet another set of entrances each doorway labeled with numbers from 1-90. Each doorway was accompanied by a mysterious dark hallway sitting behind it and each was covered by filing cabinets on each side of the walls.
   "77" Colin said under his breath. That number sent shivers down my spine it was the beginning of all three of our identities and possibly the ending of our existence. Every year the group of kids that enter are assigned their number depending on the year they enter 77435, S5, and I all entered during the 77th year. The innocent five year olds sitting in their cells terrified of the red flashing lights flooding the hallways entered this evil place on the 90th year of this tyrannical reign. We cautiously entered the hallway lined with the answers to our questions that we hadn't realized would start only more questions than we had before we entered.
"Let's start on the odd side it is on the left," Colin said slightly louder than a whisper. He slowly walked through the left side of the aisle in the center of the 77th hallway. He scanned the container boxes filled with numbers and information about them being released. At first I was in a state of shock that they actually planned on releasing us then I was able to process what horrors I was witnessing. I looked at the small files Colin was flipping trough and placed my hand gently on Colin's nimble moving fingers causing him to stop.
  "What," he whispered at me sternly and I slowly grabbed one of the files and opened it. The label at the top had the number 77115 the old manilla folder was worn but I was terrified of it because I think I got a glimpse of what was inside the folder when Colin was flipping. Colin turned back away from me and continued his search for S5's folder. I slowly opened the folder and it's contents made a wave of sadness swiped over me. The release page was completely blank but the information page was not. It described a young girl named Annabella Lilly James. A small picture was attached to the page and I stared into the confused eyes of the five year old girl. She icy blue eyes, blonde hair that flowed in doll like perfect ringlets, and a grin that was only missing a front tooth and any sense of happiness. The entire page was covered by a huge read stamp that read terminated. On the back of the page it stated the date of death and reason. The only reason placed was "Facility too crowded" and then the cause was the mere words "Placed in line of Fire". My face was blank, washed of emotion, the expression I was left with was the one I wore everyday. It was the mask I had glued to my face because of the pain I have endured. Yes I was stripped of emotion and of innocence but I never truly believed that they could strip a child of their life. I knew they were capable of torture but I never grasped their true terror until now. I closed the file and placed it back in the same dusty nook that it had rested in for 13 years and I felt bad that this was the girls only memorial. This room may appear as mere files but it is truly a graveyard. I took a second and closed my eyes as I gave a moment to all the fallen and I knew at that moment they had to be avenged they had to be remembered someone had to do something but I never expected it to be me. 

" I found it," Colin said with glee as his search for S5's file came to a close with the old file in his hands. He began opening when he stopped and handed it to S5. She slowly opened it and began whispering lowly with a tear filled voice. 

"Name: Sabrina Wilson, Crime: Child of Rebels, Parents: Mother: Dr. Allison Wilson: Father: Deceased, Release Address: 7078 Creek Trace Lane, Other Needed Information: Brainwashing complete: Release in two days: Mother has completed rehabilitation and is prepared for subjects arrival: Full brain reprogramming in one day," she conveyed us the information with a since of mature breakdown. Like a 5 year old's tantrum was going on in her head ripping her thoughts apart but she spoke with the grace of a knowledgeable adult with years of experience on this topic. Once she had finished reading she looked up at me in the eyes and just said " I have a home." I smiled at her and hugged her as Colin and 77435 began to search for 77435's file. 

Sabrina and I began assisting in the task when I realized I had laid my finger upon his beloved file. I yanked it out from its resting place and handed it to its owner who looked at me in shock. He closed his eyes took a deep breath and opened the file with great care. 

"Name," he began "Willian Philips, Crime:Child of Rebel and Rebel General, Parents: Both: Deceased," He said the last part with great sadness then slowly continued. "Release Address: Military Fort Willington: Other needed information: Brainwashing completed but subject is easily affected by the outside world during procedures. Release date in four weeks. Reprograming in 3 weeks (Tutoring required)." William seemed a little terrified when he lifted his head and looked straight at me. I returned the gesture with a face of sympathy and he closed the file and placed it back in the drawer knowing we would not need any address for him once we escaped or if we did anyways.

We all began our last file search, my file search. I opened a drawer and slowly flipped through the files terrified of what information laid underneath the folders front flap. As my snail paced search continued William held up my file slowly and with nerves in his voice not for him but for me he said "Found it." I lightly grabbed the file to read its context and slowly opened the file and stared for a few seconds in awe of the information before me the my raspy nervous voice began. 

" Name: Rose Henderson, Crime: Rising Rebel Leader and child of Rebel Leaders, Parents: Mother: Angelina Henderson: Father: Philip Henderson, Address: 7032 Fort Hill Road, Other Necessary Information: Rebel Bug implant found in neck of patient, Extremely Intelligent and enhanced agility (Clearly a rebel prodigy), High treat only allowed to be released when Washing is 100% complete (Not Completed) along with rebel bug removal, If not completed in two months patient must be relocated to room 335 and continue regular physical adjustment appointments in said room, if brainwashing is still not complete after one month in room 335 begin plain to great the exo- skeleton solider from her body or put her to death by fire arms." I began feeling the tears welling in my eyes and rolling down my cheek. 

"Hey Rosie you ready to get out of here," Colin said with a slight side smile and I wiped the tears closed the folder and started on a journey that I was not sure I wanted to begin.

   A/N :

I would just like to apologize of the extremely late post. this chapter deleted several times and I had to re-write it over and over again. I would like to thank everyone for reading and I know that this is kind of sappy and I have said it before but I would love to hear your feed back. I am putting a lot of effort into this and I would really like to hear thoughts and opinions. Which person should Rose end up with? Do you want more Sabrina or William action? This is a very Reader oriented book and I want some input so please leave comments/vote/ message my account you guys mean a lot to me and I want you to be able to fill free to let me know what you think. 

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