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           "Wake up..." I heard a soft voice that sounded like screaming enter my head. "77132 wake up!" it got louder so I fluttered my eyelids but was too weak to move.

          "Leave me alone," I said in a babyish tone and turned over only to find I didn't have enough room too. I fell about two or three feet to the floor.

         "That better wake you up," my eyes opened to find out it was Colin speaking. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in his classroom and had just fallen off his desk. I put my head in my hands because of how bright the lights were.
         "Sorry," He said as he ran and put his thumb on a scanner in the wall that caused the lights to go out. I nodded in thanks.
         " So before I fall off anything else do you mind me asking what is going on?" I said my tone drenched in sarcasm.
          "I believe an apology is in order first," he said gesturing to where I punched him in the jaw.
" Okay I am waiting," I sat up and put my elbow on my knee and he just glared at me and grabbed the seat I was sitting in a few hours before. Then he jammed it under the handle of the thick metal door that opened to the hallway that I now noticed was flashing with bright red lights.
         I stood up and walked so that I was standing next to Colin and I glared out into the hall that looked even more evil than before due to the blood like lights flooding into it. "What is going on you have to tell me something now?!" I practically screamed at him.
      "Calm down feisty! The facility is on lock down. I did just brake you out of 335 and you have been pronounced a mentally unstable convict. That kind of sends wrong signals to them," for the first time I couldn't read him, I couldn't tell if he was serious or sarcastic. I knew he seemed worried though.
    "Why did you save me? You compromised your own safety for me. No one gives two craps about me or most of the people here." I was mentally tearing up but physically was casual I had mastered that skill.
   " I was their number one patient in that room for the last year of being here they were going to kill me I just know it. So I escaped with a few friends. I don't think anyone should go through the same pain I did." He seemed to be only telling the half truth but then again I cannot read people so I just nodded.
     "So we are kind of hiding in plain sight which won't last long. We need to cause a diversion and then make a break for the file room. Ummmm," he began running around like a mad man in search of something. As he dug through desk drawers I watched the hallway through the blinds. The red lights were so chaotic it was soothing. Seeing those white clean perfect hallways be coated in red made me happy. Not in a creepy way just I liked seeing the false tranquility they used to try to offer be ripped into the true chaos.
   "Get over here," Colin ripped me away from my day dreaming and then continued. "That girl you were sitting with at breakfast. You guys friends?" Colin was looking down at his desk as he pulled out a small silver rod from the drawer. I nodded and watched him pull the rod apart to reveal a holographic map of the entire facility and I sat in awe.
    "What is her number?" He still hadn't looked up as he controlled the maps movements so that it would zoom in on our location.
"77135," my eyes were also locked on the map and he tapped a small button on the rod and typed in the number I just gave him making a room and hallway number pop up underneath. He then continued to find locations and hack into surveillance cameras and such while I got bored. I jumped to sit on his desk since I am only 5'1. I have always been short my whole life and I imagined my parents were too. I kicked my legs back and forth and stared at the ground when a loud shriek came from the hallway and I almost fell of the desk. Colin grabbed my wrist so I wouldn't fall without looking up from his device and my mind began wondering again.
"What was that noise?" I asked sheepishly.
"Well I just hacked into your friends hallway and took the entire hall off of lock down and sent her a communication through her chip. The disturbance in the system probably knocked off some alarm but I turned it off. Don't worry the message I sent her told her to run to my classroom and bring any friends or helpful peers." He still did not look up which I was thankful for because I was staring pretty hard at him. I nodded and went back to swinging my feet when I suddenly got dizzy and fell to the floor unconscious.
"Ready to go honey," I heard a woman's voice scream from another room as I sat on my twin size bed playing with my small doll. I had on a light blue dress that was so colorful. My hair flowed in two piggy tails on the sides of my head. I looked down at my small five year old hands and the little doll laying limp in them. I suddenly got to my feet and raced down the stairs throwing the doll on the bed behind to me. I was met with a young looking woman in her early thirties probably. She had bright blue eyes and strawberry blonde hair identical to the curls I had at five.
"Come on pumpkin lets go to the park." She had a hushed voice that was soothing. She grabbed my hand and we walked out the door. I wish I could have lived in that moment forever. That's the thing about my visions they are like the sun. They are so beautiful to have but when they are gone my life seems more dreary than if I just lived without hope. Them leaving is worse than never having them it is like being ripped from my family over and over again. Trust me once was more than enough time living that.
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