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    " She's dead great," I heard Colin's say under his breath as he shook my shoulder. "Wake up, please."
      I looked around realizing that I was once more on his desk. "We need to stop meeting like this," I whispered and he chuckled walking away.
     "You're right stop passing out geez," I sat up and remembered the vision I just had and smiled to myself daydreaming about how badly I wanted that back.
     " Colin," He glanced at me and nodded " What is the plan and once more I will ask Who the heck are you?!" He smiled and chuckled again to himself and I knew that my second answer was not going to be answered.
      "Well first of all the plan is to get out of this place. I am hoping your little friend got the message I sent her and grabbed people we can use on the way out of this place. We will give her an hour or two to get here and if she doesn't make it we move locations and stay in a safe spot for 24 hours or until we don't feel safe any more. Then we break into the file room grab your release papers get your info and make a run for it. Second of all I think I like my mystery maybe I will tell you my info when I know yours Short-Stack."He smiled at his nickname for me and I would be lying if I said i didn't return the smile.
    "So what are we going to do in the mean time?"
     "Play cards, 'chit chat' as people do, whatever we want to do to pass time."
"Ok lets play go fish"I attempted to think of something to do but I don't remember much from the outside world causing Colin to chuckle.
"Go fish?" Colin had a grim plastered on his face due to my innocence. I nodded pretending to be embarrassed by my actions causing him to only laugh harder.
"I think I have some cards in my d.." he was interrupted by a squeak from the door as the chair scooted a quarter of an inch away from its original resting place guarding the door. The force coming from the door was weak so I knew that the person behind the door was not harmful. 'I would know those wimpy muscles anywhere' I thought to myself and walked to the door and opened it after removing the chair. S5 looked up at me terror all over her face until she saw me and relaxed her tense shoulders.
   "I though I was going to die," she said sounding terrified then she attacked me into a hug and I realized she had been crying when I felt my tear soaked shoulder get cold from more tears falling.
     "I brought you a present," she whispered into my ear before she pulled away wiping her eyes and waving to the hallway. I had a confused look hanging on my face. Then 77435 stepped into the door frame and I just stared for what felt like a solid ten minutes into his chocolate eyes that were so beautiful and kind.
   "Ok I would love to see you two make goo goo heart eyes at each other forever but can we get some help on breaking out here," Colin piped up standing right in front of 77435's face as if too establish dominance. Colin was slightly shorter than 77435 but he was more muscular and honestly more terrifying. Colin had this look on his face that wanted to draw blood but be innocent at the same time. His innocence and rage battled across his face in an array of facial expressions then he just groaned and turned away.
"So um hey," I said still staring at 77435 awkwardly.
"Um hi," he said as I noticed his tan cheeks have a light pink tint grow on them and I just knew that I was most likely bright red so I turned away. I walked over to where Colin was and sat down to join him and so did S5 followed by 77435.  We all sat in a circle and intently watched Colin look into what info he was able to access from his Administration Communication Device or as I like to call it the teacher's talky thingy. He looked at the map and found a small janitors closet a hall over and then the map shut off. The words "Technology privileges detained until further notice" came up in blue print across the 3-d hologram. Colin mumbles under his breath and collapsed the ACD back into the small silver rod he had pulled how of his desk and hacked into the servers with just moments ago.
   "Please tell me none of you have any belongings," Colin sighed as he stood up and we all shook our heads. I had never belonged anything of value since I got to this place.
   "Great," He said to himself and he pulled a maroon leather bag from its resting place under his desk and began cramming all the items from his desks into it. We all exchanged looks and didn't say a word in fear of breaking the silence that was our only cover right now.
    "I have been waiting to do this ever since they assigned me to break you out," Colin smiled at me excitedly. I smiled at his giddiness instead of questioning who they are for I knew I wouldn't get an answer.
      "Okay let's get out of here," he silently whispered when he poked his head out into the red soaked hallway and we all made a run for it.
  Thank you for reading please vote and comment your input means the world to me!!!

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