Room 335

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I held the books that my teachers gave me to read over the week in my arms and headed to the last class of the day Mr. Fraywin the only teacher that has a perfect smile.

"Not much of a turn out ," I mumble under my breath as I enter the empty class room with only one seat and the Dream Teacher himself.

"Well I only have one student" he replies as he turns to face me after writing on the h-board in front of him (Holographic board). I stared at his chicken scratch holowriting. The holographic words were in 3-D. "Lesson one: silence".

"Well then you don't have much of a class now do you?" I say whispering the end of the sentence as I sit in the white chair that matched my jumpsuit.

"I like to consider it tutoring on how to keep your mouth shut."

"Wow I guess it is true those who can't do teach."

"Hilarious now can we begin Miss," he said looking down at his paper with only one number on it "77132".

"Go right ahead I am not listening," I rolled my eyes.

"As long as you don't talk you have already mastered my first lesson," he flashed his bright white teeth at me. I really can't stand this guy.

"Ok so," he began to slowly back up when he was behind the large surveillance camera in the right corner of the room. He stood on a chair and put his finger to his lips trying to silence me as he took ripped the camera out of the wall.
" What are you doing idiot," I screamed as I scrunched my nose and scooted back in my chair.
" Act normal those brainwashing bozos may not be able to hear us now but they sure can see you," he began to walk back in front of the hole in the wall and lay the camera's outer shell on the ground.
"What the heck is going on," I said trying to be calm so the guards would not get suspicious.
" Listen I ain't exactly the teacher you think I am," he tried to act like he was teaching as he pointed towards the holographic board.
" No dip Sherlock," I gave up my casual expression for a more "your an idiot" kind of expression.
"Listen I've already told you to much you may have been chosen but I can't just give you my trust like that."
"You haven't told me anything all you have done is at like a solid weirdo and make a whole in the wall. Background information may need to be given or I am going to go screaming through the halls like a 4 year old."
"How much do you know and how much do you have questions on?" He didn't know what he was talking about from his words but his eyes told me everything. I had seen those eyes before they were not the dark eyes that are completely empty that I see in every other students face. They had something that made you want to protect him something that gave him a since of hope and wonder. He had a spark in his eyes. I have only ever seen it in S5 and me. He was not empty he was tortured by the knowledge he had gained he was actually human. I knew what information I had to give him I had to give him MY information.

"I have... visions, memories. They hurt, I get headaches and then I pass out and dream them. Then they torture me every time I think about them. They are so life filled if I had that I want it back. I only ever had one it was about the day I got taken from my home. They pried me out of my mother's arms and I want to know what they did to her and my dad. I want to know why I am the only one that has these memories. Why am I the monster? I have that dream every night until last month. It was right before my brain scanning," I said scanning cautiously unsure if he would believe me if I told him I thought these people were ripping my memories out of my skull.

"Do you really think they are scanning your brain?" He said also with caution.

"I can see it, you know don't you?" I continued before he could interrupt "They are taking my memories aren't they."

"Keep going with your story," he said sitting down.

"Umm. They were about to take me to the room when I got a pain in my head and passed out. This time it was different it was the same woman from my other one but it was a different story. I had scrapped my knee. Hot tears were rolling down my cheek. She smiled at me and shushed me. She told me not to cry that I was going to be okay. I calmed down and she cleaned up my knee then I woke up," I felt the sudden urge to burst into tears I swallowed hard and stared at the wall behind Colin's head. All I could think was 'why does no one care it I am ok now' am I really that useless now. Is it because I am a lifeless monster now with no other purpose than to stare at a picture of the outside world and imagine what a family

as they rip the last piece of humanity out of the back of my head when my head is turned. My only purpose in this fight is to lose. They want me weak so I can become weaker.

"Sorry," I said as I snapped my self out of my mental pity party and continued. "These old memories have been coming back since then. I get a moment a day sometimes two. I haven't gotten mine today."

    "I have never seen this before," he whispered as he turned around and faced his desk. He lightly placed his hands on the corners in almost frustration more so than the wonder he seemed to have before.
    "I do have a question... who are you and why are you here?" I stuttered worried the answer may not be an answer I am ready for.

    "I am Colin Fraywin and my purpose is none of your concern," he said bluntly with a harsh tone.

   "I know your name! Who are you and why am I your only student what is going on!?" I began slowly standing and raising my voice.

   "Calm down shorty,"  he walked over and pressed both hands on my shoulders and tried to push me into my seat. I may be short but it doesn't mean I can't hurt someone. I slapped his hand off my shoulder and uppercut his jaw. He held his jaw in pain and I took my opportunity to punch his gut and knee him where the sun don't shine. He spit out blood as he leaned back on his wooden mahogany desk.

     "Don't touch me ever,"I mumbled and was so proud that I was the only one in this facility that has won the karate championship every year I have been here. I may not be graceful but I can street fight.

   "Idiot, you don't know what you just did. I am the only one here that wasn't trying to rip you limb from limb but they sure will. Have fun in 335."He said pointing to the hole in the wall and I realized they are always watching.
   The guards and bots came flooding in like water and I drowned.
Just a little note:
The image above is Mr. Fraywin (the actor is Matt Lanter). Thank you for those who stuck around this long. Comment below who you think Colin is and what room 335 is.

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