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          The guards began forcing me into the hallway my entire body going limb. I felt like I was walking through a field of peace and tranquillity then abruptly falling into a trench of darkness and chaos. I was weaving in and out of consciousness as my reality was beginning to fall away from me. I was slipping and no one, no one will ever catch me. I will be alone stuck in a trench of my own creation. I made this torture facility for myself. I did not fight hard enough to stay with my family, I was weak. I am too negative I don't see wait other students see. Looking at Colin maybe that spark in our eyes isn't our remaining hope but our pro dominant insanity. Maybe the reason I am different isn't because these other people are inhuman but I am merely a foreigner that can not respect a culture. When truly they are my people, my people are brainwashed through my eyes but maybe I am just mentally unclean. Maybe that trench is my denial and my own evil mind convincing me that this amazing government is anything other than that. I looked around at my surroundings. I was forcefully strapped to a chair and looked up to see three numbers above the doorway 335. I knew those numbers I feared those numbers. I remembered Colin screaming them at me in not anger but more of a horror in general but also for me. He didn't know me so he didn't fear my safety but he feared those numbers. I had never known those numbers I only knew the fear in his voice. The brainwashing room was across the hallway in 336 I had always seen this room but I never truly knew what tortures awaited everyone who entered the doors. Now I had entered those doors I am the insane one that is locked in a chair of torture and pain. I watched the white room lay still, motionless, and dead. I listened to my hollow heartbeat and stared at the machines that will only be used for my pain and torment. I felt the pain of those who sat in this chair before me. I smelled the blood that spilled on these white clean floors, too clean, always too clean, they have been washed I can tell that secrets these guard want to keep are hidden under layers of soap and my memories are the same way, clean, too clean, always too clean. I tasted the gag placed over my mouth that kept them safe from the words that rip like a knife, no scars for them mentally or physically, but monsters have scars don't they? Of course they do! All hero's are strong they leave their struggles without a fight the monsters leave with the scars. I am the only one here with scars I am the monster. No you aren't a monster! Of course I am monsters don't know what they are until it is too late for them and humanity. These "hero's" are preventing a monster from destroying this world anymore. Please do it quickly is all I ask, like a bandaid. Rip my life away from me like a bandaid rip it away my hero's and toss it away to the back of your dirty mind that is not as clean as mine. Mine is clean because it once was covered in secrets that you covered with soap and water. My only questions are. What sins? Whose sins? And whose blood? Kill the monster I beg no matter who the monster may be but if I am who I say I am return what you took. Let me feel remorse and regret let me know what I have done to deserve such pain. And as all my words were trapped in my weak brain ,tried from the years torment, from the gag on my lips. The tears ran down my face and the words rolled in my brain trapped and confused. Then the door opened and my lungs took one last breath before...

Sorry for the short crappy chapter and the cliffhanger. Please support and give your opinions kind of unsure what you guys want so I am going by my own thoughts but I will go by your input if given.

The Torture of KnowledgeWhere stories live. Discover now