Chapter Two

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Virgil took Logan's advice and made a cold bubble bath. He was so red and hot from blushing that cold water just sounded really helpful. His mom wasn't home since she was out finding a sugar daddy or mommy or whatever. It's better that way so Virgil doesn't have to deal with her. Virgil should probably look for a job over the summer like Logan mentioned he was. Ountwins Of bubbles floated all around the overfilled bath tub and around Virgil's face, which wasn't even entirely out of the water. His phone was on the toilet next to a towel because Virgil was an anxious bean and he'd been in the bath for almost an hour and a half in the dark. Bubble baths in the dark are the greatest thing ever. All you need is a nightlight in the bathroom to have a good time.

That's when his ringtone he set up for Logan's contact went off. Since he downloaded the Deltarune soundboard (he has an android phone)  he decided to make his ringtone the Hip Shop tone. Roulx Kaard seemed to fit Logan well so he went with that. Virgil lifted his arms out of the water and dried them off, putting the phone on speaker because he was too lazy to get out. He completely forgot that he's supposed to be embarrassed and flustered. He forgot this was Logan calling him. He was to casual and sleepy in the bath to care, like an old prune.

"Yo, this is Virgil."

Virgil called out, lifting his mouth out of the water.  His eyes were closed and he was being enveloped in the darkness and the water. Virgil was a total Nyctophile. Virgil noticed a little tower of bubbles floating around his direction. He smiled while half listening to the voice on the other end of the phone. He gently blew the bubbles swatted from his face. It was only halfway in the middle of the other person talking didn't he realize it was Logan asking If he was available to hang out soon.

"Salutations Virgil, this is Logan. I hope you've taken my advice to heart and calmed down. Despite how you are adorable with your face flushed, it's better for you to be calm comfortable and calm. I wouldn't want you in any sort of displeasure in my company. That to the side, are you going to have some time later today? I'm aware today was the half day announcing our summer break and we've already seen eachtoher, however my mothers are trying to kick me out of the house to go 'hang out with my new feiend'. They're trying their best. I noticed we live in the same subsection of the community. Perhaps we can meet up in a few minutes at the community center? There's a park and a gazebo where we can just pass time and enjoy the beauitful weather."

Suddenly Virgil was thrashing around to try and get the bathtub drained and find where the hell the large towel for his body is so he can dry himself off and run to the front of the neighborhood and possibly get lost because he has no idea where this damn community center is. Virgil forgot it was on speaker phone and Logan could hear every single movement that Virgil made and every curseword he was muttering under his breath because he spent way too long in the bathtub. Virgil was yelling over the swishing water and the drain, trying to cancel out the noise to reply to Logan as he was fumbling around in the dark, looking for the light switch. If Virgil is a Big Mood clap your hands.

"Oh, uh, yeah that sounds great! Uh, ignore the water in the background! Nothing bad is happening I swear! I'll, uh, meet you there! Give me a few minutes!"

Virgil switched on the lights while he was screaming at the phone, that somehow made its way onto the toilet seat. Virgil smashed the 'end call' button before he could embarrass himself any further. Virgil lunged for the towel and ran it all over his body, not paying attention to how his tmmy and thighs kinda jiggle from the rash movements. He rubs his hair frantically yet thoroughly and throws on his clothes. Does he really need to wear a shirt under his hoodie? Nah. Skinny jeans are too tight and take forever to put on so he threw on some sweatpants. Virgil never wears shorts, no matter the circumstance. Shorts are the devil. Virgil ran out the bathroom and snatched his phone, slipping it into the pocket of his jacket. He grabbed an Apple and started running for the front door, not even bothering to leave a note for his mother on where he is. She doesn't care anyways.

Wait a second... where is the community center anyways? Virgil stopped in his tracks with the Apple I in jis kouth like a roasted pig and sighed. He already made it halfway down the street and he was right in front of fne cul-de-sac. He leaned against the stop sign and whipped out his phone, crunching down on the Apple and holding it in his free hand. The amazing thing about people from generation z is that they can type super fast using only one hand. Speedy thumbs are great, aren't they? This entire story is brought to you by speedy thumbs on an iPad mini. Back to our scheduled programming.

Virgil shot a text out to Logan's number and waited for a reply. Virgil: Wait where exactly is the community center? Virgil got anxious waiting for a reply after, like, three Mississippi seconds so he sent another one. Virgil: Sorry for being annoying. Then he had to wait. If he sent another one he'd be even more annoyingly than he apologized for and he'd have to apologize again, adding her another text. Virgil looked up and around, seeing a couple and their twin babies in a stroller walking by and taking the turn in to go to the park. Man, going to that park would be killer right now. But he'd much rather hang out with Logan. First friend in Florida, amirite? 

Logan: From your location you exit your neighborhood and walk straight for about a mile, take a right and walk a quarter mile. You should be able to see the sign and see the playground equipment by then. Virgil took an exhale and took his weight off the stop sign. He was going to shove is phone back in his pocket when it vibrated again. Logan: and stop apologizing for being something you're not. You had a genuine question and you are far from annoying me. It would be beneficial to stop that so your self esteem can be as high as it deserves to be. Virgil felt his heart grow warm, as well as they honeyglow in his cheeks make its presence known. Virgil smiled and shoved his phone in his pocket  following  Logan's directions. Leave the neighborhood, go straight, take a right, find the equipment. It shouldn't be hard.

Virgil couldn't stop smiling from that last text message.

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