Chapter Three

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Virgil was walking down the street on the sidewalk lined with different trees and plants native to Florida. This place was so weird, so green and so yellow at the same time. Virgil couldn't find a trash can on his way to the front of the neighborhood so he just threw the Apple foreman in the trees. Fertilizer at it's finest, right? Virgil noticed a discoloration Of bright red, hold blue, and eye catching yellow. That must be the playground equipment. Turning the corner to the right, his suspicions were confirmed. Logan was accurate, just like always. Virgi, smiled softly to himself and shoved his hands into his pockets, not knowing who all was going to be surrounding them and if he had to act tough or not. Even after about nine weeks, he still isn't used to this place. It's prsctically a new country compared to Michigan. Time flies, ya know?

Virgil looked around as he was passing by the playground. This entire thing including the little empty field, basketball court, and the gazebo is what people call a park around here? Coolio. Logan said something about a gazebo so Virgil decided he would skip everything else and avoid any awkward scenarios possible and just walk there. He should be there anyways. Just as Virgil's suspected, Logan was standings under the gazebo. Unlike his normal business casual attire he wears at school, he was wearing a white shirt with navy blue suspenders and khakis. He looked nice less like a teacher and more like a closet gay, especially with the way he let his hair fall over his face instead of slicked back like normal. Is this what Logan wears casually? He highkey looked hot, putting Virgil through some homosexual distress.


Virgil wanted to kill himself after holding up an awkward peace sign and walking up to Logan with slouch. Why can't he be cool? Why was he always so cringe? Goan looked up from his... iPad? That's not an iPad, it's a Kindle or whatever. Do people even have Kindles any more in this day and age? Probably not but Logan is so nerdy he still has one to read books on. Nooks are too mainstream for Logan apparently. Logan closed his Kindle and tucked it away in a tote bag he had are his feet. It was different than the bag he carried around school. Was that a Game Theory patch sewn onto it or was it the official merch? Who knew. After Logan was done with his task he decided he should probably say 'hello' back. It was so dorky and weird that's he waited until everything was set up to even greet him.

"Salutations, Virgil. I apologize for interrupting you earlier however my mothers are.... very pushy and eager women. I hope you don't mind that I washed the gel out of my hair. It bugs me when I needn't use it for a more professional appearance."

So he doesn't gel his hair back because he likes it? He looks pretty cool witness it back, but If he doesn't like it that's chill too. But man, is he rocking those suspenders right now. Virgil wasn't really focusing on his face. The white shirt he was wearing was kind of thin and he could see his thin stomach underneath. Did he have a six pack?! Logan wasn't the type of person Virgil thought would work out. After a small uncomfortable silence Virgil flinched back into reality. Was he staring!? He felt himself blushing and noticed a half smug look on Logan's fsve. What was that for!? He needs to change the subject from that... ahem... moment.

"So, uh, did you have any plans for what you wanted to do today? Not that I expected you to! I just, uh, thought you were an organized person who likes having a loose plan or a flexible schedule. Or we can just chill here if you want to! That's cool too! I, uh, should probably stop talking now...."

There Virgil goes on again with his anxious self. Why did he have to be so horrible at socially interacting with people? Especially cute Florida people? Logan paused and then whipped his phone out of the MatPat tote bag. Since when was he wearing the bag? He pulled out his phone and took off the case. He unfolded a piece of paper. The pencil drawing with the highlighted Starbugs on it. Hold the phone, did Logan pUT HIS DRAWING IN HIS PHONE CASE!? Virgil felt his heart beat accelerate. What was Logan going to do? Critique his artwork? Ask if he had a crush on him? Because he obviously does have one of those. Or did he need him to write something else down for him? Logan turned the paper around to the side that was blank, Virgil doesn't draw on both sides in composition books because everything smudged together, and he pulled out a pen. Logan then looked up and proceeded to ask a query.

Starbugs [Analogical] (Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now