Chapter Six

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Night fell fast, the orange turned to red and the red went to purple. Nobody was in the park to interrupt the boys. Logan was sitting under the tree while Virgil was laying down on one of the branches. He already fell a few times, but he didn't care. Logan learned quick that a few splinters and scratches won't stop Virgil from lounging in a tree. Logan isn't a tree climbing person so he just sat underneath. They were talking about useless and random things that they'll probably never need in their life like really bad dad jokes and random facts. Logan isn't really good with dad jokes. He low key hates them if they don't make sense. 

"Logan, what music do you listen to? You know I listen to punk bands and early two thousands music, but you never mentioned what you listen to."

Music is always a good conversation, and it normally ends up to screaming the lyrics while putting on a song. Logan pursed his lips, trying to think. Virgil took him as a classical music kind of guy, or something very soft and peaceful like Lo-Fi HipHop. Maybe even music box or acoustic guitar. Virgil knew how to play ukulele so if he liked that he could go find his ukulele without being spotted at home and play him a song. He knows how to play Girls/Girls/Boys, I cant help falling in love with you, and many other songs. Logan finally had an answer for Cirgik after taking a second to think.

"I normally prefer informativd musics, however if you mean genres and bands I do enjoy Twenty One Pilots, most Eminem music, and Fall Out Boy. Maybe an occasional Starset. I also find myself listening to orchestral and piano music whenever I'm studying or trying to fall asleep after a long day. Is that answer satisfactory?"

LOGAN LIKES TØP!? Virgil caught himself before he fell out of the tree. Too late. He actually fel, out of the tree. Logan flinched and jumped up to his knees, stuttering over to make sure Virgil was okay. Virgil was fine! He didn't break his arm or anything. He immediately sat up, beaming  smile to make Aang's jealous. Even the airhead avatar couldn't beat He joyful smile Virgil had right then. Logan actually listened to similar music as him! All he needs to do is listen to some good Panic! At the Disco and My Chemical Romance snd Green Day and Imagine Dragons! and he'd be perfect!

"You like Indie Rock AND Pop Punk?! Dude, I think I just fell for you."

That had to be smoothest pickup line Virgil had ever managed to go with. Virgil wasn't going to cringe about that one, he was proud of it! It was almost as if Logan's words near the begining of the story actually affected him and he was finding some self confidence. It was almost like magic! Fanfiction magic because we all know character changes like this one and plots like this one make no sense and only happen in terrible books and fanfictions, just like this one! Logan literally stared at him in disbelief and distain. Okay, apparently stuff like that and terrible dad puns that make no sense are two things that Logan hates.

"Seriously? That had to be the worst thing you could have possibly said to me throughout the entire evening. However, those feelings are noted. If you make a horrible play on words like that again I will be forced to smack you upside the head in the same fashion Gibbs from NCIS does to Tony DiNozzo."

Dully noted. Virgil rolled his eyes and was about to climb back up to the tree to get back on his branch when he felt a little ticklish sensation on his nose. Virgil flinched backwards, catching himself before he fel, backwards on his arse again. Logan audibly sighed and rose an eyebrow, standing up to see what Virgil was making a fuss about. Virgil held a lean, black bug in his hands. It had landed in his nose. Virgil's eyes sparkled as he watched the bug light up. He did the Aang smile again and turned to Logan, who was looking over his shoulder.

"Logan! It's a Starbug! They've returned! They're back to bless us with happy feelings and crap! Look at it! Isn't it amazing? Damn, I love these things! Hello little Starbug, what are you doing on our miserable planet? You're beautiful little Starbug!"

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