Chapter Seven

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Kiss? Logan wants to KISS Virgil!? Virgil's Heart was racing a million miles a minute. He noticed how close Logan was, but he wouldn't grow any closer until he got the consent he needed. Consent is single handledly the most important thing a person could have in a relationship. Logan was staring not at Virgil's eyes, but at his lips. He was waiting for them to form the word. Virgil wanted to say the word, but there was something in his throat stoping him. Shame? Guilt? Self Hatred? Something was stoping him. Virgil noticed Logan glances up at his eyes. They were shinning bright like a diamond. Whatever was in Virgil's way broke down. He whispered out the one word Logan was aching to hear.


Logan's hands found themselves not in his shoulders, butnin his waist. Logan lunched forward, attacking Virgil's lips and immediately taking dominance over the smaller, chubbier teenager. Virgil couldn't keep his eyes open, he was forced by his own instinct to make them closed. With the glowing yellow lights of the night dancing around them, Logan passionately kissed Virgil. Their lips dancing together, but never parting. Virgil didn't know what he was doing, but his hands slid up Logan's chest to his face, caressing the back of his neck and making sir ehe never strayed too far when his lips would leave Virgil's for even a second. 

No lips parted, and no tongues were added. They're only teenagers after all, they have to keep it PG for all the eleven years olds who decide that it's okay to read fanfiction on the internet. This was a magical moment Virgil would have never thought would happen to him. This was his first kiss. He had no idea what he was supposed to be doing, so he just did. He just did it. He was just trying to match what Logan was doing, pressing their lips together and coming up for air every minute or so. Virgil felt his lips going so warm it's cold, like scrapes do when you get hurt. Was Logan bruising his lips without biting him? Virgil needed to stop so he can figure this out. Besides, he wants to see Logan's face.

Virgil untangled his fingers from Logan's hair, pulling backwards and allowing Logan to stop craning his neck to meet Virgil three quarters of the way. Virgil let his eyes flutter back open to see the holiest sight in the world. Logan was staring right back st him, just as dumbstruck as he was. His hair was a mess and the collar of his shirt was wrinkled. In fact, his whole white dress shirt was wrinkled. One of his suspenders was hanging off over his shoulder and his glasses were skewed. Starlights gleamed on his face, adding a yellow cast to his glorious features. Wait a second. Golden lights?

Starbugs were circling them as If this was a scene from a Disney movie. Virgil looked all around, panting heavily. Starbugs were dancing and leading them into the most romantic moment of 2019. Virgil focused back on Logan, who was also staring at the little starbugs all around them. Virgil focused on Logan's breathing, trying to match it with his own so he could calm down. His heart was racing at Lightning McQueen speed and his face was burning hotter than a Charmander's tail. Their hands were entwined and both men were ar a loss for words.


Virgil breathed out, desperate for some sort of conversation. This was so cliché, romantic, beauitful, stereotypical, and unreal. This had to be a dream, it just had to be. Virgil bit the inside of his mouth hard instead of pinching himself. Yep, pain. He was definitely awake. Logan stared at him and suddenly the light on his cheeks was more orange than yellow, that or his blush mixed in with the Starbug's beacon, and he fixed his glasses after pulling a single hand away from Virgil.

"Wow indeed. Virgil, I have another question for you if you don't mind."

Another question? What could Logan want to ask now? Did he want another kiss? Virgil was down for another kiss. But at the same time he was scared. What if he asks if that's was his first kiss and he embarrasses himself? What if Logan doesn't want to date Virgil and asks him to forget about all of today? Today was right out of a fairy tale, a chic flick, a romance movie. It's hard to believe he started today thinking he didn't have any friends and he was going to be alone with his shit mom forever. But now he's here, and he's scared he's going to lose it all.

"I've, well, I've had romantic attraction to you for quite some time. In classes you were the only individual with any common sense and didn't make frequent references to sex. I respected you, but I found myself wishing to talk to you and work with you further. I diagnosed myself with a silly crush and I assumed I'd get over it, but your awkward demeanor and your childish antics found me charmed and I want to be with you. So, I'm asking you formally... will you be my boyfriend?"

Virgil felt a hot tear spill put of his eye and lots of Starbugs land on his back. Logan was asking him to date him, so why was he crying? He was crying. He felt his fsce go red and hot tears roll down his face. He felt himself scrunch up and close himself off. He wants to say yes. Why won't his body just let him say yes?!

"Virgil? VIRGIL!?"

Logan's hands were in his shoulders again. His voice was dripping with concern  laced together with love. He hasn't heard that tone of voice since Dad left, even if it was panicked. Virgil threw himself into Logan's arms, starving for physical affection. When was the last time he hugged someone? Not since his Dad and brothers left. When was the last time he kissed someone? Never. When was the last time he held someone's hands? Not since he was a child. When was the last time he was told he was loved? Not since the day his family left him. He was attention deprived and hug thirsty. He loves Logan. He loves him he loves him he loves him. 

"I love you, Logan. I love you so much. Yes I'll be your boyfriend. I love you."

With those words, calling  for affection, the Starbugs' lights grew brighter and brighter. Virgil lifted his head and looked around. The lights weren't pure circles anymore. They were... Hearts? Virgil noticed the little starbugs all over Logan. His chest, his arms, everywhere but his face. Virgil looked up at Logan's face as he used his hand to wipe away the warm tears still rolling down Virgil's cheeks. Logan's concerned expression went soft and ne leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss on Virgil's forehead, nowhere near as fiery as the one he gifted to him a few moments prior.

"I love you, Virgil. No matter the situation, I'll keep you safe. I'll protect you from your insecurities and help you learn to love yourself as you deserve to. I'll be a home for you to come to whenever you need me and I'll give you all the hugs and kisses you're hesrt desires. You're my everything, Virgil. I've never been happier...."

And Virgil believed every word.

Starbugs [Analogical] (Highschool AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang