Chapter Four

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Virgil sat at the table, waiting for the drinks to be made and called out in Logan's name as Logan as absent and in the restroom right now. He said he wanted to make himself presentable enough to be seen with. Virgil said that was stupid and he was hot enough already (in those exact words, much to his own dismay) but Logan insisted. So Virgil at here alone, scrolling through a bunch of gay tumblr memes he saved to his phone. Virgil landed on part of a gay fanfic he saved. Septiplier, coffee shop AU. He saved the joke at the very end, getting a good snicker out of it. He looked up and slid his phone in the pocket of his hoodie. Logan sat back down, his fringe finally tamed and a hair clip holds it in place, the blue streak scattered everywhere in his hairstyle.

"I hope I appear more attractive to you, Virgil. I figured with the way you wear your hair this would be aesthetically appealing to you."

If Virgil had his iced coffee, it'd be spewing out everywhere. Logan was trying to look attractive!? In all honesty his messy hair was kinda hot with those suspenders, but he wouldn't admit that because he's an embarrassed anxious bean. Virgil rolled his eyes, hoping sarcasm would make his flustered go away. The honeyglow in his cheeks would make Fix It Felix jr. Jealous. Maybe if he makes a snarky comment right back it'll be better. Maybe flirt back a little bit? Give Logan a taste of his own medicine? Whatever Logan was trying to do, Virgil was going to shoot right back at him.

"Yeah, you look hot. Smoking hot. I think I'm going to need a water just looking at you."

Virgil sent him a wink and immediately surpessed a cringe. He fought the urge to give awkward finger guns or a peace sign. He watched Logan for a reaction. He didn't get much out of him except a push up on his already firmly placed glasses and lifting his suspenders lightly from his shoulders for some reason, as if it was starting to hurt. Virgil was instantly curious, what did that mean? Logan didn't express emotion and he was a very hard person to read. Virgo, just watched him shift in his seat and avert his eyes. That's the exact moment when the bartender saved him from interrogation. Logan instantly pushed his seat back, voice a little bit shaken.

"I'll go get our beverages, Virgil."

Logan left his phone on the table as he went around the line to get the drinks. He's clearly never been here before. Virgil snickered and noticed Logan's phone vibrating. Virgil sideways glanced at Logan, who was a moment or two away. Virgil didn't see the harm in checking the notification. He flipped the phone over and looked to see what was up with his text messages. The contact was called Mother Numero Uno and it read: Sounds like you're having a fun time with your boyfriend sweetie! Your mother and I are so proud of you! Bring him home ASAP, got it? Love you! And it was followed with many heart emojis in various colors of the rainbow. Virgil blushed hard and set his phone down, watching as Logan came into his immediate vision. He handed him the iced coffee and takes a sip of his green tea.

"Here you are, Virgil. I hope they assembled it correctly."

Virgil took a nice big gulp of it. Bitter, cold, just like his recent life after the divorce. Yep, tastes perfect. He never really got into coffee after the divorce, and this is exactly how he got it the first time so he grown accustomed to bitter. Virgil flashes him a smile and tries to ignore the fact that one of Logan's moms thinks he's on a date. Is this a date? It might be a date. No, it's not a date. Does Logan thinks this is a date? Why does Virgil suddenly think this is a date? Logan bought him coffe and they're sharing s table together. Oh my god it's a date! Virgil pursed his lips together. He wanted to ask, but he didn't know how to. Maybe he could masquerade his internal crisi with a deal.

"Logan, I have a proposition for you. If I ask you a question and answer honestly, you can ask me any question you have and I'll answer as honest as possible. Oh, and, uh, you have to ask first."

Logan seemed surprised at the sudden speedy dialogue from Virgil. Maybe he spoke a little fast. However Logan always answered science questions in school so fast even the teachers made him repeat himself so maybe he understood? Logan slowly nodded and he picked up his phone again. Virgil Held a breath as he took out his drawing again. Did Logan really cared thst much about a silly little drawing like that? Or is it the phone number and address on it that really made it stand out? Logan unfolded the artwork and held it before him for a moment, as if trying to decide which out of many questions to ask Virgil. He finally decided on one after a good moment or three.

"When did you draw this? You've mentioned prior to me acquiring the sketch you met it before our first meeting. If this can be added as the same question, what inspired you to draw such an astounding pencil sketch?"

Astounding? Virgil really wouldn't call it astounding but he was really proud of that one. It almost made him miss it. Virgil thought back to the prologue, that first night he was here. Virgil closed his eyes and told the story, getting lost in the tale of the Starbugs he discovered that night in the cul-de-sac.

"Well, that was the first drawing I ever really drew in Florida. I needed to get out of the small house Mom bought and get away from her. She was already looking for new people to leech out of their money. She's horrible, but that's a story for later. But I found a cul-de-sac maybe a few feet from my house and I went there one night with a flashlight, hoping to get some inspiration drawing or climb a tree and fall off for the angst. Don't ask why, that's also another story for later. I sat down and noticed two kids playing with little flosting lights. I started drawing two kids  with the little floating lights when suddenly one landed on my nose. More stsrted landing on me and the bugs started glowing. I've really never seen anything like it, living in Michigan my whole life and all, I was just smiling like a dope with glowing bugs all over me. I just decided to call them Starbugs and they were really the only thing I look forward to for the first month but then... they dissapeared. I have no idea where the starbugs went but I made a little story in my mind that the starbugs fell from the sky and after blessing sad kids on earth they return to the sky to become the summer stars. I've written several stories and made several written stuffs about the starbugs and they're my favorite thing about Florida. So... yeah... That's the history behind that drawing. I'll draw a better one that's actually us later."

Virgil opened his eyes and instantly remembered he was in a starbucks with the prettiest boy he knew. Virgil felt hot all of the sudden, seeing Logan staring into his eyes so intently. He had that face like he was going to correct Virgil, but then shut his mouth. He looked at the drawing again, then he flipped it over and grabbed a pen out of the tote bag and wrote something down. Virgil watched his hand quickly move before he set the pen down and folded the paper up, slipping it in his bag without hiding it in his phone. Logan took a deep breath and folded his hands, resting his chin on them like a bridge. 

"I believe it's time for your question, Virgil."

Oh, right. Virgil got so lost talking about Starbugs that he completely forgot about the question he had. Virgik felt his face flush again. Wow, he was a really blushy guy. That or the power of bein a fanfiction protagonist was starting to get to him. Goodbye forever fourth wall, don't even bother trying to fix it. Virgil found himself playing with his fingers under the table awkwardly, trying to figure out how to ask this question. It ended up sounding like Fionna from that one genderbended episode of adventure time with the hot make version of Prince Bubblegum and the sassy cat named Cake. That was off topic but wHATEVER IT WAS A GOOD ANALOGY!!! 

"Oh, uh, right. Is this a... date?"

Logan simply just smiled. All he did was smile at him. He didn't answer his question. He just freaking smiled at him. Well played, smartass. By not giving an answer he isn't lying therefore not breaking their promise. He's seen Logan go off on other students with witty responses and being very sarcastic. He's seen him play savage, and he's playing savage right now. Not cool because Virgil really wants to know if this was a date! Logan finsihed his ice day green tea and stood up, taking his bag and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Let's go visit that cul-de-sac you adore. I'd also appreciate seeing what house you've moved in to so I can come over and visit."

Why was Logan like this?

1597 Words

Starbugs [Analogical] (Highschool AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora