Chapter Five

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Oh, here's Virgil's house. He didn't expect to get here so quickly but with Logan talking to him about random facts on the history of goth in Victorian culture and meaningless space affects time seemed to pass by almost as If the chapters in a crappy fanfiction transitioned and the author didn't want to bother wil so much filler. They completely missed the cul-de-sac and Virgil noticed his Mom's car in the driveway and another car he didn't know. Virgil froze, face feeling hot and his blood going cold. It wasn't  fun feeling to have at the same time. Virgil turned to Logan, who was just staring at him and waiting for him to say something.

"So, uh, I would bring you inside to see the mess that is my house but apparently my mom invited a guest over without me knowing and I'm too scared to figure out what's going on in there so let's go to the cul-de-sac like you said from the begining Ishouldshutupnowhuh."

Logan snickered under his breath, completely over his little moment in Starbucks where he malfunctioned and got just as red as Virgil was. The two did a u-turn and Tried to ignore it when a loud banshee scream came from the house. Virgil never despised his mom more than he did right then. Virgil was clenching his fists in his hoodie pockets, trying to ignore the fact that his mom is a gold digging whore. As they walked down the street to the cul-de-sac, Logan must have noticed how tense he was about the whole situation.

"Virgil, if you are uncomfortable being in your home, you are always welcome to stay at my abode. I'm positive my mothers will treat you as their own son and I would treat you as you deserve." 

Virgil didn't even blush at this point, his face got tired of being so hot and decided it was going on break. Logan was offering Virgil stay at his house? Well, anything is better than being with that woman who gave birth to him. Virgil actually smiled, he won't hsve to deal with her for at least one night. Virgil just looked over at Logan, who was dead serious even without his necktie. In all honestly the necktie kinda works out better for him. But he can rock suspenders and ungeld hair too. Logan's just hot no matter what. Logan's amazing, Virgil was glad Logan decided to talk to him at his locker and get to do this.

"Yeah, I'm probably going to take you up on that offer."

Logan cracked a smile. Wow, Virgil had made Logan smile a lot today hadn't he? He wondered if this was a date now. Why couldn't Logan answer his question? Who knows. They kept walking to the stop song only to turn into the cul-de-sac. Virgil noticed Logan's hand held out at his side, swaying. Virgil would have never taken him as the kind to hint or want physical affection, but Logan was clearly asking to hold his hand. Virgil folded his lips into a thin line. If this was a date, wouldn't they be holding hands? Virgil should probably ask for consent first. Consent is everything. Use consent, kiddos, even if you're just touching a person or something mundane. That's your lesson for this chapter. Probably this whole book too. Consent is important.

"Hey Logan, err, can I, uh, hold you hand?"

Logan didn't say a word, he just reached backwards. Was ne trying to Ben smooth and grab his hand? Virgil snickered to himself when he missed. Virgil said he wanted to hold Logan's hand, he didn't as Logan to hold his hand now did he? Woah, since when did Virgil get so confident and sarcastic? Whatever, maybe he was starting to get comfortable and enjoy himself on this quote unquote date. Virgil reached for Logan's hand and held it. Wow, we're Logan's hands always this cold and clammy? It felt nice, but it made Virgil want to warm them up for some reason. Logan was still silent, looking dead ahead and not glancing over nor starting at him at all. Virgil could see his ears growing red. Aww, how cute. Virgil felt the entire tables shift in his favor, sweet. It wasn't long until the two were standing in front of the park. It was odd, but they were the only ones here. Such a shame on a day as beauitful as this one. First day of summer and no kids are at the park? Maybe they're at a pool or something.

"So, uh, here we are. This is the park in the cul-de-sac. I normally climb that tee or draw underneath it, or swing over there when I get bored. The farthest I've been able to launch off the swing is maybe a foot or two in front of that bench."

As Virgil said things, he pointed to them. Logan followed him, not letting go of his hand. Virgil didn't want to let go of Logan's hand, it was still too cold. Logan nodded and then stared at the swing, as if calculating something in that computer brain of his. Virgil just soot there, bored as Logan began zoning out. Virgil decided he was going to swing his arm and see if Logan would follow through. You know, for science. He stsrted lightly swinging and Logan's arm followed. Virgil picked up momentum and now their arms swang with a huge diameter and Logan isn't even notice until Virgil accidentally hit himself in the head with their hands.

"Oh, uh, apologies Virgil. I was just thinking and I must have tuned out the rest of the world. Are you alright? You've seem to hit yourself."

Virgil just shook his head. Oh wait, he asked if he was alright and not hurt. Logan looked scared for a moment until Virgil corrected himself and nodded. He's alright. It's all Gucci over here. Since Virgil still has Logan's hand, he can lead him wherever he wants to go. Virgil looked around, still feeling Logan stare intently at him. He was definitely the starey type. Virgil decided that they should just swing, maybe do the launching thing he mentioned. Virgil tugged on his arm, stepping in that direction. Instead of asking, he made a statement. Look at him being bold now! We stan a confident king.

"Hey, lets go on the swings."

They were about to go over there when suddenly Virgil's ringtone for his mom went off. His mom? Virgil remembered how to blush as Teenagers by My Chemical Romance began blaring out of the pocket of his sweatpants. He fumbled to grab the phone, letting go of Logan's hand in the process. He looked at the phone. His mom was trying to video call him? Virgil looked over at Logan. Should he pick it up? He shrugged as Logan asked around to see the phone and he picked up. His mom was dishelved with a man chugging a beer behind her. She didn't bother to put on a shirt over her slutty looking bra. Yep, this is exactly why Virgil is gayer than Neil Patrick Harris riding a unicorn on a glittery rainbow.

"Virgil, sweetheart? Where the fuck are you!? You need to meet your potential new fathers snd get s load of laundry done! It's your turn to make dinner and we're getting hungry! And who's that boy behind you? Does he have money?"

Virgil felt himself cringing in shame, yet rolling his eyes at the same time. His turn to cook dinner? Ha! She's never cooked for herself in Virgil's life! She just wants to be spoiled and pampered. Wait a second, Logan. Virgil looked over at him. His face was stoic as ever but he was fuming. Virgil could see it in his eyes. Logan snatched Virgil's phone and pressed the end call button. He stared at the screen a moment before calmly handing it back. That moment happened so fast Virgil wasn't just watching, in terror and anitcipwtion for whatever Logan's commentary on the moment was.

"I'm positive my home would be much more adequate to your standards and preferences. Now, to the swings?"

Logan calmly mentioned  gesturing towards them. Virgil nodded. Wow, he really wished his mom had not called and decided not to show her saggy middle aged lady boobs to Logan. She's gross. Virgil sat down o; the swing, staring at his feet. He glanced over and expected Logan to be seated next to him, but he wasn't. Where did he go? Virgik flinched and clutched the chains as he felt himself being pushed from behind. Virgil looked behind him to see Logan standing there, smirk adorning his lips. He looked good with a smirk on his lips, much better than the pure hidden anger from a few moments prior. Virgil let out a breathy laugh.

"What, are you going to push me like they do in cliché teen romance movies?"

Logan has a cheesy grin on his normally blank slate of an expression. He just shrugged and gave him a knowing look. Okay, they're going with it. Virgil turned his heads back arounf before he got a crick in his neck, rolling his eyes. Virgil was pushed a bit harder this time, Logan's hands not being as forceful as he'd expect him to be. He noticed how the air was growing stale, humid, and the light of the sunset was hitting his face. Woah, what time was it? He didn't bother to check his phone. It was sunset already? Time flies. How long were they at Starbucks? Last time he checked, it was three in the afternoon. It has to be at least six in the evening. 

How did time seem to fly by when with Logan?

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