Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Another day gone." I said as I crossed off July twenty-third on my calender.

    It had been months since I'd last seen Niall and I was starting to show. People looked at me weird when they saw my baby bump. It started getting hard to sit down or bend over. I was about four months pregnant. The extra weight made summer that much hotter. My birthday was coming up and Niall promised he'd see me then. I had a countdown written on my calender and today marked one week to go. I missed him. It was more than that. I needed to see him. I called him every chance I got but it wasn't enough. I wanted to be in his arms, not just in his head.

"Morning Ayley." My mum said as I waddled into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Hey mum." I put my hand on my back and sat down at the table.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"I don't know. What do we have?"

"Do you want me to cut you up an orange?"

    I felt my stomach gurgle. I clapped my hand to my mouth and got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I had really bad morning sickness. That and the stares and rumors were the only bad thing about my pregnancy. Everything else was going pretty smoothly. My feet didn't swell and the cravings weren't too bad. Then again, I wasn't half-way through yet.

My mum stood in the doorway. "You okay, sweetie?"

I got up and nodded my head.

"Does this end?" I groaned.

"Not any time soon."

I groaned again.

"Come on out to the kitchen, your orange is ready."

"Thank you."

    She took my hand and led me to the kitchen where a beautifully cut up blood orange was waiting on the table. I sat down and started eating it. It was tangy. It was really good. My sister walked out of her bedroom and sat beside me at the table. She put her hand on my stomach.

"Oh hey." I laughed.

"When does he start kicking?"


"I think it's a boy."

I laughed. "Do you?"

"Yea." She smiled. "So when does he start kicking?"

"I don't know, soon, I think."

"About eighteen weeks." My mum said.

I smiled. "Yea. So soon."

    I ate my orange while my mum smeared chocolatey Nutella between two pieces of golden toast and gave it to my sister on a shiny white plate. She poured her a glass of water and me a glass of milk and set them in front of us.

"Call Niall." She said.

I took a sip of my milk. "Why?"

"Just call him."

    I slowly pulled my phone out of my pocket, looking at my mum. I wasn't sure why she wanted me to call him but I dialled his number.


"Hey." I smiled. Just his voice made me smile like an idiot.

"What's up?"

"I don't know, mum told me to call you."

"Weird." He laughed.

I turned to my mum. "Why'd you want me to call him?"

"Put him on speaker-phone, I have an announcement."

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