Simion (and more)

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This is Simion.He's Lucas's caretaker and "father". Y'see,Lucas has a special ability.He can create characters when he dreams,whether it be on purpose or not.Some of these characters are manifestations of strong emotions.Others are more ideal in his eyes.Simion is one of the characters he purposefully made up when he was little.Since Lucas has always been an orphan,Simion took up the father role in Lucas's life.He's also considered to be the unofficial uncle of all of the other characters in Lucas's dreams,as they're all orphans as well.

Why doesn't Lucas have a mother figure?Well,he's always had this picture of his mom that he takes with him everywhere.No one knows where the picture came from,except for maybe the orphanage that gave it to him.(they won't tell)One thing that anyone who knows Lucas knows is that he talks to the photo as if it's his real mom.He's always done this...At least,since he got the photo.

Lucas's dream realm acts as another world.Every night when he goes to sleep,he can go to the dream realm and remember what happened the night before.He can make real memories there and build real relationships with the characters in his dreams.He also has a circus there,where he met several characters,such as Reimhaura,the contortionist.

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Reimhaura ^

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Reimhaura ^

A bit about Simion:
•He cannot stand blood,much like Kaz
•He's a terrible cook,but he does his best
•He makes plenty of dad jokes
•He's 45,000 years in human years,he's 45
•He was originally Lucas's butler,but Lucas wanted a father and that brings us to current Simion
•He's the ringmaster of the dream realm circus
•He's a pushover
•He loves tea

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