And then there were six

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Sooo... I started this drawing a while ago and recently finished it.
I'm trying to finish a lot in my sketchbook.
Anyway... I fiNaLLy got around to doing one of those art challenge things.
Enjoy more Malakai.Get used to this.Because my chubby emo vampire is pretty much all you guys will be seeing soon enough.

Because my chubby emo vampire is pretty much all you guys will be seeing soon enough

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I butchered poor Tim's style

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I butchered poor Tim's style.Back when I made the sketch,I'd gone online to see references but everything differed slightly because most of it was other people's art trying to imitate the legend himself.I was pretty confused on what was what because some of it said it was by him while other pictures that said the same thing had slightly different styles.In the end,I was a disgrace...
But this looked darn cool before it was colored. ^

You called him an angry midget

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You called him an angry midget.How could you?Why would you do such a thing?He never did anything to you.What could he ever have possibly done to earn such a despicable name?
Tell Very Angry Midget you're sorry. ^

This is as realistic as I can get without boring myself

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This is as realistic as I can get without boring myself. ^

Hhhhhhhng,extra eyeliner plz ^

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Hhhhhhhng,extra eyeliner plz ^

Hhhhhhhng,extra eyeliner plz ^

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He is disappointed in you.He is disappointed in me.He is disappointed in all of us.But most of all,he is disappointed in himself. ^

He's doin' a lot of thinking about food

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He's doin' a lot of thinking about food. I guess ya could say he's contem-plate-ing. Or maybe he just really wants one piece of pie. *fingerguns*

Yeah,no,I'm taking this. *walks off with entire pie*

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