~ Unknown ~

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Pov Chloe

- Chloe...  Well, I wanted to talk to you about something...

- What is it? You know you can tell me anything!

I answer her smiling and trying to be as relaxed as possible. But to tell you the truth I'm dying inside, I've never felt so much anxiety in a single moment.  What is she going to tell me? Things have become more and more "strange" between us lately, a beautiful strange, of course. It's just that every time I'm next to her I can't suppress the feeling of butterflies in my stomach, I can't help but smile until I feel pain in my cheeks, and I know that I probably shouldn't feel like that, that it's definitely all in my head and that anything I feel would never be returned. But she is there, sitting on my bed, and she is so beautiful and looking at me with those eyes that, God, I could dive myself in. I just want to be braver and tell her everything. But here I am, stuck in the role of best friend, without being able to go any further.

- Oh God is so embarrassing... well, Umm...  In these months, I've managed to understand some things and...

- What things?

- You know, things... Personal things that's it.  And among these things, there are things I would like to share with you. Whoa, how many times have I said things?

She responds by giggling and bringing her hand to her forehead, in a way that's anything but relaxed. She looks like she's about to have a panic attack. I look at her, frowning my forehead and trying to figure out what she's saying. But what could it be? She seems to be revealing an unavowable secret, and I can't help but notice how much nicer she is when she's nervous. However, I won't interrupt her, I nod to give her a sign to keep talking.

- God, I didn't think it was gonna be that hard. Chloe I... Look I.. .  Ah, to hell with that!

I don't have time to think, and I realize that the space that divided us is reset to zero! Her lips are on mine and her eyes are closed. It was a matter of moments, I am shocked and she seems to have noticed and in fact she immediately comes off. For God's sake, Chloe, what's wrong with you? You've been dreaming about this moment for months!

- Oh, my God, Chloe, sorry, please forgive me, I know I caught you off guard and I understand that it wasn't appropriate but it seemed to be the onl-

I don't even let her finish talking, I block her river of words and close the distances again. She doesn't seem to have expected such a reaction, but immediately afterwards she responds to the kiss.  It's a slow, hesitant, sweet kiss, one of those kisses that make you feel in the right place, at the right time. I feel her hand resting on my cheek while mine goes to rest on her knee, so as not to lose balance. Our lips move in sync, it seems they were made for this. It seems that they are two pieces of puzzle that fit perfectly. I feel my heart exploding, I might have a heart attack however fast it beats. I don't want to get away from her, it's as if I've found my safe place and I don't want to leave it anymore. But my lungs require air, and certainly hers too. Slowly our lips move away, but we remain equally close with our fronts leaning against each other. I can feel her breath on my lips and a shiver runs through my entire back. It all seems so surreal.

- Chloe...

- Beca...

- Chloe...  

-CHLOE, Chloe wake up! C’mon!

- Bec-ummf...  What the hell?!

I feel a helping hand shaking my right shoulder insistently, but what the fuck? I lift my head off the pillow and slowly open my eyes to see who's bothering me. Suddenly I remember what I was dreaming about. My eyes open wide like plates, I turn around and I sit in bed, taking my head in my hands. How is that possible? I hadn't dreamt of such a thing for an eternity, even though more than a dream, it was a memory. It was our first kiss.  Involuntarily I bring my fingers to touch my lips, even if it's been years, if I concentrate, I can feel the same sensations. It was one of the happiest moments, loving someone and being loved is one of the greatest fortunes that can happen to you, and it happened that night. As for the following evenings and the months that follow, but like all things, even the good ones have an end. And ours has been a more than unhappy end.

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