~ Always ~

433 15 8

Pov Beca

- Come on, Beca, we're gonna be late! You know they only serve food until a certain hour, and we're already late!

She's unbearable. I don't know how she always drags me into such situations. Every time I hope we do something quiet, simple, nothing lively, but not. It's not enough to go just for work in discos and clubs, I also have to go to these places to spend my free time. And all this, to keep Amy happy, who made up the excuse to "celebrate" the release of my first track of the album, when in fact, it's only because she's been wanting to go to Dragonfly for a lifetime, but I've always said no to her.

- Amy I don't think your stomach will complain for, at least, until tomorrow morning. Nothing happens if we get there later!

- Don't be a buzzkill! Get in the car, the others will be there already!

- What? The others who?

As I fasten my seat belt, I notice how Amy looks around as if to find something to say to deflect the speech. Obviously it wasn't something she should have talked about, not to me at least. If they arranged something behind my back, I swear I will kill them all.

- Uh... See you misunderstood me, uh... What I said was ah.. Uh... The trees are all there, yay?! Uhmm. .We're surrounded by trees, it's a really nice neighborhood this-

- Amy. Spill. Out.

It's been known since ages that I hate surprises. And even if you don't know, just look me in the face, I'm not exactly the type for this kind of thing. What the hell, even a blind person would understand that. I throw a grim glance at Amy, who in the meantime, got the car started and has printed on her face a smile of those pulled to hide the obvious mistake she made. God is so annoying.

- Amy.

- Ahhh...come on Shortie. You won't be able to get any other information from me, so put your soul at rest.

- I hate you, all of you.

- That's not true, you love us insanely.

I exhale a bothered sigh and turn completely towards the window, dropping the conversation. It is useless to continue discussing, now I am here, if there the situation will be uncomfortable, I will not wait even a moment to take a taxi and return home. They know that I much prefer to know things in advance, it's a psychological matter. You prepare yourself mentally, it may seem stupid but sometimes you need it. Especially for shy people like me. I know very well that 95% of the social and performance anxiety will disappear once there, but it's just as irritating. Plus I don't even know who's going to be there, obviously I think the Bellas, maybe the Kids, maybe her?

I already feel my stomach revolting upside down, and a slight spark of hope seems to invade my body. I shouldn't feel like this, but I can't, it's stronger than me. I turn slightly towards Amy with a look that will surely seem between the terrified and the hopeful, swallowing conspicuously, as when you want to ask something but you are afraid to do it. The evening has already started badly, if I had to find out that she will not be there, probably my mood would become even worse, but I also think that if I knew of her presence there, the anxiety would increase even more and perhaps even the nervous, for what happened at my home, her reaction and everything else. Shit. In one way or another it will end up worsening my mood anyway.

- You know, I understand that I look good and staring at me can be a joy to everyone's eyes, but it seems like you're about to shitting yourself and you don't have the courage to tell me. Everything okay? Should I stop?

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