~ Someone To Stay ~

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I really recommend to listen the song.

The Forum - 9.12 pm

Pov Beca

Okay. Okay. I can do it, I go on stage, one foot after another, maybe without stumbling, and I stand in the middle, behind the microphone shaft. It's simple. A few steps. Just like in rehearsals. Nothing special, just more than 10 thousand people who will look at me.

- My God, I'm dying!

I turn trembling towards Blake who is by my side at the back of the stage. The guys are already out there entertaining the audience with some musical interlude. It seems that Tom doesn't suffer from performance anxiety, he's the first one to break the ice with the audience. I wish I could have a minimum of his confidence right now.

- Hey ok! This is normal. Take deep breaths, and if you're impressed by all those people, well, I don't know. Imagine them in their underwear. If it can help you feel less embarrassed.

- What? You're weird.

I answer her in a very anxious way, trying to calm my breath, while a boy from the crew approaches me to place the microphone headband behind my ear. God is really happening.

- Okay, three minutes to go! Mitchell is ready.

I hear the same guy say opening communication with a walkie talkie, probably to inform the rest of the team that the concert will soon begin. If I had to look for a word that would describe me right now, I would probably find my face under sheer terror.

- Okay, stop, look at me! Stop being like that. Repeat with me: I'm Beca Mitchell.

- I'm Beca Mitchell, I'm Beca Mitchell...

I don't have the faintest idea why I'm listening to Blake and this nonsense to repeat my name, but at the moment I don't know what to do to calm me down, and the only chance seems to be that.

- Keep repeating it in your mind, and think that all this is for you. They are your fans, don't be afraid. Okay?

She holds my shoulders tight with her hands in a reassuring way and looks me in the eye. I don't have to be afraid. They are here for me. Nothing bad will happen. I nod slightly to his words almost as if I was hypnotized and I notice how the boy from before, now has positioned himself next to the entrance of the stage, to keep the tent and let me pass in a few moments.

- 1 minute.

Both Blake and I turn to the voice that has warned how far it takes for me to make my entrance. 60 seconds. Even less.

- This is my moment.

- That's right, it's your moment. Go get'em, girl! I'll be here.

She throws a wink at me as I head towards the ladder that leads to the stage and wait for the boy next to me to give me the signal to enter.

- Good luck miss Mitchell!

He whispers slowly while he opens the tent and I understand that it's time to go and join the Kids. I turn around and mime with my lips a 'thank you', before my legs took the initiative and started to move without me thinking about it at all.

I am initially dazzled by the headlights that are lighting the stage, I can hardly see who is in front of me. I feel like I'm in a sort of air bubble, where the sounds get muffled and I can't exactly understand what's going on. Whether it's real or not. Everyone applauds, whistles, screams my name, and in the background I can perceive the base of Bulletproof Vs Release me that follows my entrance. It's beautiful. I have my heart that seems to want to run away from my chest as fast as it beats, and now I have no control over any muscle in my body. It's as if I've put on the autopilot. It's like my brain knows what to do. My hands are high to be able to wave to those who came here tonight to see me, my face is tense, from the exact moment I set foot on the stage, in a smile that will probably cause me a dreadful pain in my cheeks. But because of that feeling, I could take any muscle pain. It's overwhelming. Unreal. I didn't think I'd ever be able to feel something like this in my life. It's all I've never had the courage to dream about, and now it's here, in front of my eyes. And it's for me. Come on Beca, win them over.

Someone to stayWhere stories live. Discover now