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Hi weirdos! I'm sorry for the late update but I've been really busy with the study and I didn't manage to publish the chapter soon. I hope to be forgiven... Or maybe not? 😈 We'll see. Enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think. See you at the next one.

Pov Beca

I hear an annoying and continuous noise that seems to approaches me slowly and reaches my ears making me nervous. What the hell is that?


I try to open my eyes realizing only now that I was keeping them closed. My God, when did I become so sensitive to light? I squeeze them several times in order to get used to the vibe, but actually there is only one light coming from above my head that illuminates the room, so everything is rather suffused. After blinking my eyelids another time, I try to turn my head for a moment, but a stabbing pain pierces my temples and a grimace appears on my face. What the fuck happened? I feel my body all sore, and tingling, as if I hadn't moved for hours. Where the hell am I? I raise my arm to be able to control the clock that I always wear but I feel pulling my wrist from something that bothers me, so pesky. A needle. Or a cannula, those things that you put in hospit- wait what? Hospital? I open my eyes wide and quickly get up with my chest out of the blankets without paying attention to the immense pain that this simple movement has caused.

- Wow hey hey slow!

I hear someone approaching me and positioning on the side of my bed with one hand on my shoulder. I squint my eyes and bring a hand to my head to press against my temples because of the strong dizziness. I can't help but notice with the palm that what I'm touching is not my skin, but a bandage. What the-?

- What the hell am I doing here?

I turn to the direction from where the voice came no more than two seconds ago, opening a single eye while the other is still closed for my expression more than suffering. I notice how familiar she is, but I can't think of anything.

I try to observe better but nothing, the void. C'mon Beca makes an effort.

Damn it.

It seems like when you look for a page on the internet and you get out address not found.

- Beca.. How are you feeling?

- Like I threw myself out of a 6-story building.

The dizziness has calmed down and I can finally relax my face. I follow with my eyes the person in front of me who stands up and heads towards what looks like a kitchen shelf, even if actually it is not, to be able to recover a bottle of water. I just can't remember who she is...

- Um... I... Can you tell me why I'm here? What happened to me?

- You don't remember anything, do you?

Remember? No. Of course not, otherwise I wouldn't ask that question. What an dumb.

- No...

I settle better on the bed and try to cross my legs with some difficulty, as they look like concrete, turning totally towards the unknown. In the meantime I realize that it is evening, perhaps night since the dark sky, the room is quite modest with a table under the window and two armchairs on the sides. Near the entrance there is a closet while on the wall next door there is another door, probably is the bathroom. My eyes inevitably fall on my hands and on my arms that are full of small bruises certainly due to some blood sampling. I am spotted. Damn it. Not to mention the gown. God, what a shame, why do we wear such things in the hospital? I try to cover my legs as much as possible with blankets, it's rather embarrassing. The only good thing is that it's closed from behind, or so it seems to me. I'll never get out of bed if it's open, my ass is priceless. Only for a few. They have to earn it.

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