Have Fun

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Synchronization is defined as the coordination of events to operate in unison. Most efforts, to be judged successful, must employ some form of synchronization. Even fragile human relationships fail when the partners are gauged as not 'in synch' with one another.

Cotton's new computer program, written specifically for this day, kept each law enforcement team connected with all others and with his 'synchronization hub' as well, adjusting for variables such as traffic, mechanical issues, detours, physical barriers and human errors. The goal was to engage each site and individual simultaneously to deny gang members the chance to alert other members to the coordinated police efforts.

For Cotton it was more about the beauty of the implementation and intelligence of the program, rather than helping good guys taking down bad guys.

"A program doesn't 'know' right or wrong" he often said, "it only understands success or failure."

Some in the room considered him aloof. Odd. Socially disconnected.

But to Harry Love, Captain in the California State Police, on loan to the State's Department of Justice Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement, and Jose Juarez, Detective first class of the Santa Ana Sherriff's Department, Cotton Spradley was fucking brilliant.

"He's been capturing video and audio on these guys for the last six months" a voice chimed behind the two officers. They turned in their chairs to face Salvadore Malafronte, just returning from booking Tony Riganti.

"He's stored those digital recordings on a server farm behind that glass partition" he said pointing to the reflective amber wall "of gang member conversations from the lowest of the low to the most well connected."

"It's how we were able to get the number of warrants required to pull this off."

"And the older, more mature woman I didn't recognize at the planning session here last week" added the private eye as he joined the conversation "she was the judge?"

"That's right Neil" responded Sally. "Judge Karen Smatz-Anderson, a former homicide prosecutor. She not only ruled on the lawfulness of the captured recordings but she's the one who signed off on the warrants. She's also the one who approached Judge Sherman as a 'concerned colleague' and convinced him to recuse himself in the best interests of jurisprudence."

"So, he gets off scott free?" asked Neil.

"In a way, yes. He's 'retiring' from the bench as of today. He was a 'wink-and-a-nod' kind of guy. Always played within the boundaries; but just within. Our efforts are better spent elsewhere."

"5, 4, 3, 2.." called out Cotton as all eyes shot to the NEC LED LCD display panels.

And in rapid sequence green pinpoints all over the board began to flash to red.

"1" completed Cotton.

Through the basement door a police officer entered, escorting an older female into the sanctum.

She waved to Sally, who hustled over, and placed his left hand on an object the police officer held, as he raised his right into the air. The white-haired gentlewoman spoke a few words to him.

Sally responded.

The senior nodded, shook his hand and left the room as she had entered.

Sally returned to the group.

"Now the real work begins" he said.

"What was that all about?" asked Neil.

"That was Superior Court Judge Madeline Schwartzman. She was promoted when that bastard William Jones Barrett III blew out an aorta."

"Meet the new District Attorney for Orange County" he said, smiling.

Decked out in his black leather boots, chaps, highway patrolman bucket helmet and nothing else, Carlos Santino Campana stood over the supplicant Bank of the West Branch Manager Kathy Lynn Bakker.

"As Mayor of this fine city I must ask you to yield to my every wish my dear" he commanded.

"Now remove your clothes and lay across my knees for a spanking. You've been a very bad girl."

"Yes, I have been" she replied demurely, ceding to his demand.

As his hand met her bare bottom the door to her bedroom splintered inward.

The pair yelped in unison, eyes wide as the flash from the Entertainment and Features Reporter Michelle Mills camera captured the scene for the Orange County Register evening edition.

Police Capture DA Dispensing Justice.

The photo became an internet meme and Mills the darling of local and national talk shows for the next week.

"Now for the second half" Sue Ellen whispered to Cotton as the basement began to settle down, the new DA directing activities.

"Have fun" he replied. 

Neil Knight Private DickWhere stories live. Discover now