Chapter 11

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I am jolted out of bed from the sound of heels clicking. Great, now I have to deal with this. The door slams open but I stay in my cot, my back turned to the door. "Wake her up." A demanding voice sounds out. A voice I can't recognize, at least its not Grace. The cell door creaks open and a hand touches me, shaking me awake. I jump and kick this person in the chest. "Taylor please calm down!" The voice closer now. When she comes into view I stop dead. "Mother?" I breath, not believing the sight in front of me. "Taylor, come. I have something for you to see." She says. "My name is not Taylor." I growl, unforgiving. she sighed "Guards." I jump to attention as they slipped silver handcuffs over my small, bony wrists. Two guards flank me and two in front of me. "Finally taking the dog for a walk?" I growl at her. "Tsk tsk Taylor, so disrespectful. This is for me not you." She spins and faces me. "Why should I listen to you? You never came to see me for six years! And you call yourself my mother." I yell in her face. She draws her hand across my face, moving my face with her momentum. "You're right. I never came to see you. I couldn't and I didn't want too." She says and turns setting a quick pace for us. We make it to a salon apparently. "Make her presentable." She snaps. "Yes Luna," Three girls in red uniforms reply in sync. They stick me in a bath, rubbing away all the years of disuse, They pinch me into a small knee-length flowing dress and put bush on my cheeks, making me look like a daughter I never wanted to be. They finally put me in front of a mirror and I gasp, I looked beautiful. Mother and her guards walk in and put me in the same formation. We make it to a Great Hall, And in the middle of it Kegan. He meets us in the middle, "Thank you Sammi." He says. Mother nods and backs off with the guards. "Your here to make me look good, don't mess it up." He growls and spins on his heel. Leaving me to my thoughts.

About after half an hour they call for food, Mother come to collect me and sits me at the family table. A mountain of food sits in front of me an I reach to grab it but a hand smacks me away, a firm reminder I am not in control. Kegan stands up, "Welcome friends, I am pleased to inform you that my Daughter, Taylor White, is now up for Marriage! May the best man win her heart!" He exclaims, he knows I wont let it happen. "On other news, I want all my Hunters to track down the White Wolf pack and end them, for good!" He exclaims. I suddenly cant breath, He's going to kill Jasper, My real father. I stand up and walk to the main doors, everyone watching me go, "Taylor, where are you going?" Kegan announces. "None of your business." I reply. He sighs, "Guards." I jump to attention and a dozen hands are reaching for me. I dodge them all and sprint out the door, into the night. A dozen more feet pounding against the forest floor bring me out of the daze of breathing fresh air. I shift in to my fox and run faster I mask my scent, a little trick I have learned over the years. I run up a tree and perch in the highest branch. "We lost her, Kegan will kill us." A dark haired hunter exclaims, right below my tree. "She deserves to be free Jordan. She's been to hell and back because of Kegan." A blonde boy says. "Lets head back." He adds and turns and the others follow him. once I cant see them anymore I get out of the tree and run south till I hit a little cottage, Great I escaped but don't know where I am at. I shift into my human form and knock on the cottage door. A young girl opens and screams "Mama! Someone is here!" I jump slightly. A second later a dark haired woman steps into my view. "Taylor? Oh my god!" she exclaims and pulls me into her house.

"Who are you?" I growl. She smiles "I'm Gretta, Jasper's old Beta." I gasp and said "You know my dad?" I say very disbelieving. "Of course I do! He sent me here to help you if you needed it! And know we have a long way to get you back to Jasper." She exclaims, seemingly happy. "Where are we?" I ask. She sighs. "Spain, he moved the pack here once he got you back." I gasp and step back. " How do I get back to Dad?" I ask. "We fly to New York, Duh" she says matter-of-factly. "when do we leave?" I ask. "Now" she smiles and loads us into the car with her daughter, who's name is Natasha. We get to the airport and buy our tickets. We board the plane and make it all the way to New York. Once we step out of the airport, Jasper is there waiting, He looks rough, like nothing good has happened to him. "Dad!" I scream and run to him, arms open wide. He takes me up in his arms. "Mia I can't believe it's really you!" He says, shaking. " I'm here." I say. he pulls back and looks at my face, my body, looking for injuries. "My god your so old, I missed six years of your life." Jasper says, sad. "You never did, I had you in my heart. Knowing you were out there, miserable with out me, kept me sane." I say and smiled. He blew out a breath he had been holding in. "Lets go home now." He smiles and puts me in the car and I fall sleep, happy for once, I was never happy for six years and I clutch the feeling, wanting it forever.


Hey y'all! I know kinda a long chapter but I really hope you enjoyed it.

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